Hi, I am a comp sci student and I am frustrated b/c I have included added
the latest gls-1.14 folder inside the MinGW directory, then I added
"-lgslcblas" and "-lgsl" to the linker as specified by a website I found and
so my include file is #include <gsl-1.14\rng\gsl_rng.h> and when I compile
and run my program, it says it cannot find the files: #include
<gsl/gsl_types.h>, #include <gsl/gsl_errno.h>, #include <gsl/gsl_inline.h>,
which are include header files of gsl_rng.h (which I know I have b/c I
checked inside the gsl-1.14 folder under the folder rng and see gsl_rng.h.
Please help me, I am using a Windows 7 laptop using MinGW. If possible, can
you go through simple step by steps b/c I am not very technical in terms of
linking libraries etc. Let me know. I appreciate your time, thanks.
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