Dear GSL List,

Thanks to all for making the gsl library available to the public. I'm a
newbie to gsl. In my program gsl_odeiv2_evolve_apply returns GSL_EFAULT. I
use the rk2imp integration method with this line in my code:

gsl_odeiv2_step_type * stepType = gsl_odeiv2_step_rk2imp;

I assume that with this setting gsl_odeiv2_evolve_apply simply invokes the
function rk2imp (defined in the file "rk2imp.c"). Based on line 263 of
rk2imp.c I think that the above mentioned GSL_EFAULT return value is caused
by state->driver == NULL, where "state" is the first argument of

Do you think this conclusion is correct?

Do I need to define (or allocate memory to) this driver somewhere?

Or is this memory allocation problem a common newbie error?

Many-many thanks
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