Historically we made a terrible design mistake with the event system as a
whole.  This has both a confusing design impact and a very real performance
impact.  The main problem is the smashing together of things that handle
events and things that listen to such events.

In working on a problem in v6 I have come to a point where fixing this
design flaw for load events specifically would be a huge help.  So I'm
going to make a proposal for how to specifically change this for load event
handling.  The plan at the moment is to not make similar changes to the
other event types for now, though I certainly would like to keep them all
in mind with regard to the overall design for if/when we can get to the

So I'd love feedback specifically regarding (1) general design considering
other event types and (2) issues/concerns specific to load event type.

I created a simple example at

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