Bringing the two lists together for this thread.

On Dec 13, 2006, at 12:01 PM, Sergey Koshcheyev wrote:

Christian Bauer wrote:
Maybe NHibernate only needs two modes. NHibernate probably only need
to release either after transaction (also auto-committed) and when
the Session is closed.
By the way, after reading the Hibernate source, it looks to me that
auto-commit mode connection release only happens for a few operations on
the session, not all of them (for example refresh, lock, get with
LockMode seem to be exempt). Was this intended (why?) or was this an

With a Java transaction manager we have to
give back the connection after every SQL statement. The service
guarantees that we will get back "the same" connection inside the
same transaction, for the next SQL statement. Is that common in .NET

As far as I know, it is not.


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