On Tue, 22 Apr 2008 18:47:14 +0200, Sanne Grinovero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Yes right but I don't see how this is worse than searching for
 "foo:bar OR foo:NULL-KEYWORD", just some less ambiguity.
 If you just want to search for null fields, fooIsNull:true

It is not much worse, but as less intuative. One has to know that if @IndexNullMarker is added another field fooIsNull is added. It's less intuative. On the other hand would
actually work without ambiguities. I guess one would have to RTFM.

Interesting I wasn't expecting the index to grow as I remove a Field
 and replace it with another; I've made a test for this: on 10,000,000
 docs having 50% a random text value (chosen from 800 constants to
 limit total string tokens) and 50% nulls the index
size grows by 3.5% compared to no null values (same docs and 800 consts).
 I wasn't expecting any growth above some bytes, anyway I think 3.5% is
 quite good.
If you just add one of the fields (foo or fooIsNull) at the time we are fine. It could be more of an issue if we have always a fooIsNull:false for consistency as you mentioned as well.

Nevertheless, I think your idea is still better than the straight forward approach. It just comes with
more complexity usage wise.

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