Because of this GREAT change, i've also now started a v22branch in HibernateExt.

Here i'll start working on the new, improved, more powerfull and much simpler to
implement hbm2java and hibern8IDE!


Alexey Loubyansky wrote:
Thanks ;)

It is kind of exotic for a POJO-persistence-oriented application to map a class to different tables and choose the table to modify by some criteria at runtime. But the example with Maps shows the power and flexibility added.

Gavin King wrote:

For those who didn't notice, Steve recently started a 2.2 branch in CVS. He has started refactoring SessionImpl, as the first step of redesigning Hibernate to be more event oriented, as we all discussed a while ago. Steve's made good progress so far on this task that has been put off for much to long.

Today I checked in some major changes to the 2.2 branch that rework the engine so that we no longer pass Class objects around. Entities are now identified by a String name, rather than a Class.

The immediate benefit of this (but perhaps the leaat important one) is that Hibernate now supports a <dynamic-class> mapping. An entity may now be modelled as a Map of property values, instead of as a JavaBean. This means that Hibernate can now be used for the type of problems that we used to recommend OFBiz Entity Engine for.

Secondly, by implementing a new Interceptor method, it is possible to decide dynamically what "entity" a particulat instance belongs to. ie, we can map the same class to two different entity-names and handle different instances differently. eg.

<class name="Foo">....</class>
<class name="Foo" entity-name="FooAuditLog">....</class>

Third, the Hibernate core metamodel may be used in tools which don't have access to the compiled persistent classes, eg. hbm2java and Hibern8IDE, which Max has wanted for a long time.

Finally, we will use this for implementing JBoss CMP.

Something in this for everyone, I think ;)

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