In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory

Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) Escalate Attacks
against Palestinian Civilians and Property in the
Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT)
   * 20 Palestinians, including one civilian,
were killed by IOF in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.
   * 18 of the victims are members of the
military wing of Hamas and were killed by missiles and tanks shells.
   * 22 Palestinians, including a woman, were
wounded by IOF in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.
   * IOF conducted 19 incursions into
Palestinian communities in the West Bank and 2 ones into the Gaza Strip.
   * IOF arrested 56 Palestinian civilians,
including a child, in the West Bank and 3 others in the Gaza Strip.
   * IOF have continued to impose a total siege on the OPT.
   * IOF have isolated the Gaza Strip from the
outside world and a humanitarian crisis has emerged.
   * The number of patients who died due to the
denial of their access to medical treatment increased to 13.
   * The Gaza Strip is suffering a serious shortage of fuels.
   * IOF troops positioned at checkpoints in the
West Bank arrested 2 Palestinian civilians, including 2 children.
   * IOF have continued to construct the Annexation Wall in the West Bank.
   * 4 Palestinian civilians were wounded IOF
used force to disperse a peaceful demonstration
organized in protest to the construction of the Wall.
   * IOF have continued settlement activities in
the West Bank and Israeli settlers have continued
to attacks Palestinian civilians and property.

Israeli violations of international law and
humanitarian law continued in the OPT during the
reporting period (29 November – 5 December 2007):

Shooting: During the reporting period, IOF killed
20 Palestinians, including one civilian, and
wounded 222 others, including a woman, in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

In the Gaza Strip, IOF killed 18 members of the
‘Izziddin al-Qassam Brigades (the military wing
of Hamas) and 17 others were wounded in 7
separate attacks throughout the Gaza Strip. A
Palestinian civilian was also wounded and
arrested by IOF that had moved into Wadi al-Salqa
village in the central Gaza Strip on 3 December 2007.

In the West Bank, on 2 December 2007, IOF killed
a Palestinian civilian near Ramallah, when they
deliberately fired at him when he was having a
picnic together with 2 of his relatives. On 5
December 2007, an IOF undercover unit shot dead a
member of the Palestinian National Security
Forces in Bethlehem. On 30 November 2007, 4
Palestinian civilians were wounded when IOF
troops used force to disperse a peaceful
demonstration organized by Palestinian civilians
and international and Israeli human rights
defenders in protest to the construction of the
Annexation Wall in Bal’ein village, west of Ramallah.

Incursions: During the reporting period, IOF
conducted at least 19 military incursions into
Palestinian communities in the West Bank. During
those incursions, IOF arrested 56 Palestinian
civilians, including a child. Thus, the number of
Palestinians arrested by IOF in the West Bank
since the beginning of this year has mounted to
2,525. During the reporting period, IOF
transformed 3 Palestinian houses into military sites.

In the Gaza Strip, IOF conducted 2 incursions
into Beit Lahia town in the northern Gaza Strip,
and Wadi al-Salqa in the central Gaza Strip.
During those incursions, IOF wounded and arrested
a Palestinian civilian, and arrested his two sons.

Restrictions on Movement: IOF have continued to
impose a tightened siege on the OPT and imposed
severe restrictions on the movement of
Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip and the
West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem.

Gaza Strip

IOF have continued to close all border crossings
of the Gaza Strip for nearly 17 months. The total
siege imposed by IOF on the Gaza Strip has left
disastrous impacts on the humanitarian situation
and has violated the economic and social rights
of the Palestinian civilian population,
particularly the rights to appropriate living
conditions, health and education. It has also
paralyzed most economic sectors. Furthermore,
severe restrictions have been imposed on the
movement of the Palestinian civilian population.
Moreover, the siege imposed on the Gaza Strip has
severely impacted the flow of food, medical
supplies and other necessities such as fuel,
construction materials and raw materials for
various economic sectors. IOF have further
tightened the siege imposed on the Gaza Strip
since Hamas’ takeover of the Gaza Strip, and the
living and economic conditions of Palestinian
civilians have further deteriorated. On 19
September 2007, the Israeli government declared
the Gaza Strip as “a hostile entity” and
accordingly measures of collective punishment
against Gaza escalated. Since that time, IOF have
limited the goods exported to the Gaza Strip to
only 9 basic materials. As a consequence, local
markets ran out of many goods, which caused a
sharp increase in prices, which mounted to 500%
for some goods. Israeli occupation forces have
banned the flow of some medicines, furniture,
electrical appliances and cigarettes into the
Gaza Strip, and have decreased the amounts of
some goods allowed into the Gaza Strip, such as
fruits, milk and some dairy products. During the
reporting period, IOF sharply decreased the
amounts of fuels allowed entry into the Gaza
Strip (for more details, see PCHR’s press release on 29 November 2007).

West Bank

IOF have continued to impose severe restrictions
on the movement of Palestinian civilians to and
from Jerusalem. Thousands of Palestinian
civilians from the West Bank and the Gaza Strip
have been denied access to the city. IOF have
established many checkpoints around and inside
the city. Restrictions of the movement of
Palestinian civilians often escalate on Fridays
to prevent them from praying at the al-Aqsa
Mosque. IOF often violently beat Palestinian
civilians who attempt to bypass checkpoints and
enter the city. IOF have also tightened the siege
imposed on Palestinian communities in the West
Bank. IOF positioned at various checkpoints in
the West Bank have continued to impose severe
restrictions on the movement of Palestinian
civilians. IOF also erected more checkpoints on
the main roads and intersections in the West
Bank. During the reporting period, IOF troops
positioned at checkpoints and border crossings in
the West Bank arrested at least 2 Palestinian civilians.

Settlement Activities: IOF have continued
settlement activities and Israeli settlers living
in the OPT in violation of international
humanitarian law have continued to attack
Palestinian civilians and property. On 29
November 2007, at least 10 Israeli settlers from
“Ma’oun” settlement, south of Hebron, closed the
road that links Yatta town with Kherbat Touba
areas with rocks and sand. IOF troops were
present in the area, but did not intervene to
prevent the settlers from closing the road.

Israeli Violations Documented during the
Reporting Period (22 – 28 November 2007)

The full report is available online at:

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