MasyaAllah... SubhanAllah...

Thanks to Ahumanb for the great article about Nu Ha Mim Keller. I cried when I 
read his search and research for the true religion. He was this person who 
looked for moral being in persons that reflect what they believes in. Sometimes 
I wonder, how could we, that believe we are Muslims, pronounce ourselves as 
Muslims, at most of the time, do not reflect the morals of a Muslim? For the 
simplest example, how many of us, that call ourselves Muslims, would allow 
another car over take us when we are driving on a busy road without the 
vengeance of overtaking the car back or giving the driver a very vengeful look 
or gritting your teeth in anger? I know I do and I am embarrass to admit being 
a Muslim. 

My son came back from school and told me that there was this bully at his class 
and I told him to fight back the bully. What sort of a Muslim mom am i? 
teaching my son to be a bully too. And when we walk in the shopping malls, i 
felt nothing seeing other Muslims teenagers wearing mini dress and low cut 
jeans showing off part of their tummy and butt. In fact, my sisters are wearing 
those and I am the one who is wearing hijab. What sort of a sister am i? 

And my 6 year olds daughter loves disney high school musical and would beam at 
the sight of those teenagers kissing and dancing... and I did nothing to tell 
her it's wrong to kiss... because I do not know how to tell her... she is just 
too young... how? we are at moral crisis here...  help!

La'ilahailla anta subhanaka inni kuntu minazzolimin

"Tiada Tuhan melainkan Enkau Ya Allah, Maha suci, sesungguhnya aku adalah dari 
orang-orang yang menganiaya diri sendiri"
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