Salaam.. semoga ALlah SWT memberi kekuatan dan kesabaran seerta kesihatan yang 
baik kepada Dr.Huda yang diserang sakit jantung di Dubai, kepada suami dan bapa 
beliau Dato' Harun Din dan sekeluarga, dikuatkan iman, diteguhkan kesabaran..


original story

exceprts of the news...


It was from Hasnol, "Ke Abu Dhabi - jumpa Harun Din - anak dia di serang sakit 
jantung di sana - mahu ikut?"About the same time, Nick's phone buzzed with an 
incoming text message too. "My brother just told me about Harun Din's daughter 
in Abu Dhabi" Nick told me. Nick's brother lives in Bangi not far from Darul 
Shifa'. We looked at each other with disbelief at the coincidence....
I hurried through lunch and a couple of phone calls later, I was on the way to 
Ibn Batuta to meet up with Hasnol, Affendy and Fudzail . We parked our cars 
there and hopped into Fudzail's 4x4 and he sped off to Hospital Mafraq in Abu 

I was going to meet Dato Ustaz Harun Din for the first time, and I was quite 
nervous and apprehensive. But as soon as I saw him, all of my worries 
dissappeared. There standing with a white skull cap (ketayap) was a man with a 
very serene looking face, the light from which can light up any room. 
MasyAAllah !
Ustaz Harun Din gave us a brief account of what had happened to his daughter Dr 
Huda during their flight from KL enroute to perform Umrah. She felt hot despite 
the plane airconditioning. Upon reaching Abu Dhabi she collapsed. She went 
through three heart attacks. We were taken to meet Dr Huda's husband in the ICU 
ward where Dr Huda was under respiratory support. More diagnosis were planned. 
My prayers for Dr Huda's recovery and I pray for the best for Ustaz Dato' Harun 
Din and his family.....

A more detail capture of what happened from Hasnol below.. 

After having a meal at a nearby mamak restaurant, we sent Ustaz Harun Din to 
his hotel to rest. Dr Huda's husband returned to the hospital to camp out with 
his wife. 
We made our way back to Dubai.....On the way back, I reflected how during the 
time we were with him - Ustaz Harun Din did not once uttered any words or 
showed signs of distress. It was apparent to me how Redha he was with what has 
happened. He was tired yes, but he was calm and I am sure in constant Zikir and 
Prayer - even when we were eating. 
I felt priviledged and honoured to have the opportunity sitting next to a man 
who has helped countless others and has tirelessly been spreading messages 
which glorify Allah, the Prophet and Islam.


Terkini on Dr. Huda Dr. Haron Din               29 Mei 11:21am (UAE time) Baru 
terima SMS dari Dr. Azlin, suami pada anakanda sulung Dr. Haron Din. 
Tday take dwnturn again, strtng last nght. need resp supprt contins. blood stl 
autolysis, kidney unstable
Semoga ALlaah beri kesihatan semula buat Dr. Huda Dr. Haron Din.
  Moga d berikan kekuatan, ketenangan buat keluarga yang mendu'aakan Dr. Huda.
May 28, 2008Dr. Huda bertambah baik 
  Sempat juga TG Hadi bercakap dengan Dr. Haron Din yang masih d Abu Dhabi. 
Bertanya khabar Dr. Huda. Dah bertambah baik menurut khabar Dr. Haron Din.
  Ada juga terima SMS dari Dr. Haron Din, selepas dia bercakap dengan TG Hadi:
ALhamdulilllah dah boleh kira positif dan well respond to the treatment
May 27, 2008          Update: Dr. Huda Dr. Haron               Hari ni tak 
sempat nak ke Abu Dhabi. Affandy dan Fudzail ada ke sana.
  Baru terima SMS dari Dr. Azlin, suami Dr. Huda:
ALhamduliLlaah, Huda ari ni btmbh baik. fully alert. dah off bntuan prnfasan. 
syukran jazilan atas doa dr tuan2/puan2
Moga bertambah baik d hari mendatang, ameen!
May 26, 2008          Dr. Huda Dr. Haron Din - Update                Tengahari 
tadi sempat menjenguk keadaan anak sulung Dr. Haron Din, Dr. Huda. 
  Tiba bersama Afzai Nizam (Jar). 
  Dr. Haron baru d beri taklimat dari beberapa orang doktor. Katanya jantung 
Dr. Huda bengkak. Mungkin juga berair. 
  Yang leganya, walau agak lemah dia dah boleh makan dan bercakap.
  Restoren biryani depan hospital tempat kami lunch lagi. Kak Jah, Pn Suraya 
dan Capt Othman turut sama. Jar pulak belanja! Mohon d du'aakan Dr. Haron agak 
pemergian Jar malam esok d terima ALlaah (Jar akan menunaikan Umrah malam esok).
  Terima kasih Jar!
cerita pertama



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