Assalamualaikum , before this dah keluar list website
nih , but this is a reminder shj coz baru2 nie ana ada
dpt msg asking about these site fr somebody so i
thought that it's best to sent these list again.

Send it around , it never hurt to sent reminders to
others.Know your enemies trade to counter them.
Kekadang x prasan pun website yg dibuka actually ada
dlm list nih, bile tengok jawapan die pelik baru
tringat nak check dlm list. So hantar lah pd org so
that ppl will be alert. If you don't... Muslim(s)
around the world could be receiving false information
about Islam which you know about it.  
Beware of the following websites: 
2. <> 

3. <> 
These sites have been developed by the Jews Who 
Intentionally spread wrong information about
ALLAH,the QURAN,the HADITH and the Islam .Please    
spread this information to all the Muslim brothers and
sisters around the world. 

Always check the source of any Islamic web site even
if it is very convincing

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