If you just need to scan the data once, it makes sense to use hive
SerDe to read the data directly (which saves you one I/O round trip).

If you need to read the data multiple times, then it's better to save
the 3 columns into separate files.


On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 5:08 PM, Leo Alekseyev <dnqu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I was wondering if anyone is using Hive with protocol buffers.  The
> Hadoop wiki links to
> http://www.slideshare.net/ragho/hive-user-meeting-august-2009-facebook
> for SerDe examples; there it says that there is no built-in support
> for protobufs.  Since this presentation is about a year old, I was
> wondering whether there appeared any UDFs, native or third-party, to
> deal with them.
> I am also curious about the relative efficiency of performing SerDe
> using UDFs in hive vs. running a separate hadoop job to first
> deserialize the data from protocol buffers into an ascii flat file
> with only the "interesting" fields (going from ~15 fields to ~3), and
> then doing the rest of the computation in hive.  I'd appreciate any
> comments!
> Thanks,
> --Leo


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