Hi All,


I am running hive ....version 0.5.0 (hive-default.xml:  

When I tried to create index I've got the following message:

FAILED: Parse Error: line 1:0 cannot recognize input 'create' in ddl statement


Here is how I've tried to create an index:

 create index qid_index on table bit_score_less_55(query_id) as 

Here is my table 

describe bit_score_less_55 ;

query_id        string
subject_id      string
percent_ident   double
align_len       int
mismatches      int
gap_openings    int
query_start     int
query_end       int
subject_start   int
subject_end     int
e_value double
bit_score       double
filename        string

Any suggestions?

Thanks for help in advance,



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