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Weekly subscription to the:
Friday Talk from Al Aqsa Masjid - Al Quds
Given by Members of Hizb ut Tahrir.

(The following is a summary translation of the Arabic talk which can be
heard at http://www.al-aqsa.org).


Friday 4 February 2000, 29 Shawwal 1420


In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds, and may peace
be upon the Prophet Muhammad (saw) (saw), his family and companions. I
witness that there is no god but Allah, none can command except Allah who
commands justice, the doing of good, He who revenges from the unjust and the
spies with such Penalty (as comes) from One Exalted in Power, Able to carry
out His Will.

Oh people,

It is "Haram" unlawful to spy on people.

It was narrated that Prophet Muhammad (saw) (saw) said, "Not a people allow
the unlawful amongst them then Allah will send to them his punishment". One
of the widespread unlawful things amongst Muslims around the Muslim world
today is what is called the Intelligence Agencies with the sole
responsibility of spying on the Muslims. Many Muslims consider working in
this "government" agency and they do not see anything wrong with it since it
belongs to the state and the rule of law. They may forget that the function
of the intelligence forces is to provide information to the imperialist
infidels along with their agents who happen to be the rulers in the Muslim
world. The information is used to protect the interests of the imperialist
infidels and to strengthen their influence in the Muslim world.

Oh people,

It is unlawful to spy. It is considered to be one of the great sins.
Allah says clearly in Quran " O ye who believe! Avoid suspicion as much (as
possible): for suspicion in some cases is a sin: and spy not on each other "
al-Hojorat (49:12). The Prophet Muhammad (saw) said clearly " Do not follow
your suspicion, it is full of lies, and do not spy". In another hadeeth for
he said "Spying on people will spoil them".

Not only did the Prophet Muhammad (saw) forbid suspicion and spying on
people but he also ordered Muslims to cover the private sins committed by
Muslim individuals. Prophet Muhammad (saw) ordered not to publicize the sins
of the individuals, and not to report them to the ruler so as to be
punished". Ibn Mass'ood may Allah be pleased with him narrated that prophet
Muhammad (saw) said " Oh Muslims, do not report to me about your each other
sins. I will be glad to go away while I am pleased with you all.” In another
hadeeth the Prophet Muhammad (saw) said " Whoever covers the sins of a
Muslim, then Allah will cover his sins on the day of Judgement".

Oh Muslim,

You can see clearly that in Islam: not only should you not spy, or you
should not follow your suspicion but you should also cover Muslims. This is
what the companions of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) understood and you should
follow them. Once it was said to Ibn Mass'ood that there is a man who drinks
wine heavily until his beard is full of it. Ibn Mass'ood then said "we were
ordered not to spy on people, but if something was appeared clearly
"publicly" to us then we will take it from there.” Another incident happened
with Dujayn the servant of Oqba the companion of Prophet Muhammad (saw) who
said to him once that he will call the police as their neighbours drank
wine. The companion Oqba ordered him to advise them and only to threaten
them. Dujayn came back to Oqba asking him again to allow him to call the
police because the neighbours were not deterred and they refused to stop
drinking. Oqba then said, "Do not call the police. I heard Prophet Muhammad
(saw) saying whoever does not covers on a Muslim, he will be like the one
who made the female (infant), buried alive, come to life".

Regarding the rulers, Prophet Muhammad (saw) said "He is cursed: the one who
listens secretly to the talk of the people and then he uses the talk against
them, to plant hatred between them". This is like the one who spies on them.
He will be cursed. He will be driven out from the mercy of Allah.

Alas, there are many of these men in the Muslim world, and they have many
institutions that serve them.

Oh Muslims,

How would you respond if I told you that there is a brothel in every single
city in the Muslim world? I’ll let each of you think about his response. Yet
the Prophet Muhammad (saw) said "There are two men who will not enter
paradise", he raised up his two fingers consequent to each other and said,
"the first man is the "Dayyooth" the man who do not feel jealous over his
wife, his mother, his sister..etc, and the other man is the "Qalla'aa" the
one who spies on the people for the sake of the rulers." Like the people who
work in the intelligence institutions all over the Muslim world.

Oh Muslims,

After you had seen this comparison between the Dayyooth and the Qalla'aa,
how do you accept these institutions in your lands and between you? How do
you accept the workers in these intelligence agencies between you, in your
Mosques? In your universities? And in your markets?

You may say that you do not accept this situation, then I will ask you:

Why don't you work to remove these institutions amongst you by removing the
ruling regimes that had planted these institutions?

Even if you don't want to work for this cause then at least say the truth
about these institutions wherever you are and without being afraid from
these unjust rulers.

The greatest spies in the Muslim world are, in fact, these rulers. They are
the ones who made this Ummah deserve the punishment of Allah because of her
silence against their unlawful actions.

O ye who believe! Fear Allah, and let every soul look to what (provision) he
has sent forth for the morrow. Yea, fear Allah: for Allah is well acquainted
with (all) that ye do.

Oh Muslims,

Remember that you will end up in a grave smaller than the prison cells of
your rulers.

Remember that Prophet Muhammad (saw) said " A time will come that there will
be over you bad rulers, the ordeals will be on their doors, These rulers
will give no one unless they take from his deen".

Oh Muslims,

Another type of spies are the official "State" Muslim Scholars who justify
the rulers' unlawful actions. They are spies in the sense that they steal
the truth and hide it from the people.

Do you think anything will change in the next 100 years if we stayed in our
current situation just listening, without working to change it?

That's why we should work to appoint a Khalifah who will rule us by Islam.
In order to establish the Islamic State.

May Allah will help the workers to establish the Islamic State, and may
Allah reward them.

May Allah revenge from the unjust.

May Allah revenge from the spies and their masters.


Friday 11 February 2000, Hijri 7 -11- 1420

The Israeli bombardment of South Lebanon

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds, and may peace
be upon the Prophet Muhammad (saw), his family and companions. I witness
that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad (saw) is His Messenger.

"O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and
protectors; they are but friends and protectors to each other. And he
amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily Allah
guides not a people unjust." al-Ma'ida(5:51).

Oh Muslims,

The Muslims' blood is bleeding across the Muslim world. Whoever wants to
demonstrate his strength he tries it first on Muslims. The Muslims are
suffering from so many massacres. The last chapter was in south Lebanon.

Why is the situation escalating is south Lebanon?

Does Syria want Hizb'ullah to liberate the south? Or to liberate for her the
Golan Heights? Or to reach Jerusalem?

Is the last escalation of fighting one of the aspects of Jihad? Or is it
part of a plan to revive the so-called peace talks between Syria and Israel?

Why didn't Hizb'ullah this time launch the Katyoosha rockets over Kiryat
Shmona and others parts of northern Israel?

Who plans for Hizb'ullah?

Why is the Jihad of Hizb'ullah "seasonal" i.e. when the political climate
becomes hot, Washington allows Hizb'ullah through Syria and Iran to put some
pressure on Israel.

The Jihad of this Hizb'ullah party works according to the American plans.

Oh Muslims,

The U.S. wants the Golan Heights for herself. Israel is refusing to withdraw
from these heights even if Barak and his men are willing to give them up.
This was shown in the recent public demonstration in Rabin Square in Tel
Aviv where 150,000 Israelis showed their refusal to withdraw from the Golan.
It happened while Barak was in the U.S.

The media pretended that it had revealed an American document about the
basis of mutual understanding between Israel and Syria.

The Syrian public opinion is against any reconciliation with Israel. The
ruling regime in Syria, who pretended for so long to be the fortress of
steadfastness against Israel is acting now so low that he (Asad) becomes the
symbol of submission and surrender. The Syrian regime is willing to give the
Israelis many strategic water resources. He is willing to open the borders
with Israel, to let them penetrate his market through what's called
"normalizing the relations with the Jewish State".

What's the difference between the Syrian Hafez al'Asad of today and the
Egyptian Anwar al'Sadat of yesterday? They both are traitors.

There was a need to make the Israeli public understand and accept the
withdrawal from the Golan Heights. For that reason Hizb'ullah was used. Many
Israeli soldiers were killed, and Aqel Hashem was killed, (Aqel Hashem was
the second man in the Christian pro-Israel militia in south Lebanon).

Many Israeli leaders have said it clearly: Peace has a price; there should
be great sacrifices to achieve peace with Syria.

That's why two days ago Barak issued an order to put the Israeli settlements
in the Golan Heights under maximum alert; the inhabitants were forced to
hide in shelters because of the danger of Hizb'ullah Katyoosha rockets. The
Israeli media emphasized that event, but Hizb'ullah did not launch any
rocket attacks against Israel.

In order to please some of the Israeli military generals, Israel launched an
air strike on some of the main electricity plants in Lebanon. Many Muslims
were injured. It is amazing how the Saudi prince Waleed ben Talal
immediately pledged 5 million dollars to repair the plants. When will the
Israelis destroy the Saudis repair?

But there were no Katyoosha rockets from Hizb'ullah after the attack.

Yousi Belen, one of the main leaders in the Israeli Labor Party, stood
yesterday to state that "there is no alternative but to go forward in the
peace process. The first beneficiaries are the settlers".

Barak also said it clearly during a meeting for the council of ministers
that he doesn't want the situation to be escalated. "We should restrain

The U.S. also said to the Israelis to restrain themselves.

This means that the purpose of all this is to tame the Israeli public
opinion to accept any future Israeli withdrawal from the Golan Heights.

There was a meeting between Barak and the head of the Israeli intelligence
about the revival of peace talks with Syria.

In few days the delegations will return to tables. And this is what the
Americans want.

Do not be surprised if some sort of a fictitious fighting erupts in order to
subjugate the Israeli public to the idea of withdrawal.

Here you see the Jews, and here you see our corrupt rulers; the agents to
the imperialist infidels working hand by hand, against the Muslim Ummah and
against the return of the Islamic land.

Oh Muslims,

This is what is happening in Lebanon. You should know that in order not to
be deceived.

You should know that the true Jihad requires first of all a sincere and an
independent leadership.

Look what happened to the Palestinian men who carried the weapons and fought
for many years (PLO). Look how their leadership had ended up surrendering to
Israel. They have become the protectors of Israel.

Oh Muslims,

I would like to take this chance to tell you about sincere brothers who are
being tortured to death in Uzbekistan. Some of them, their teeth are being
removed, and their bones are being crushed under torture. The ruler, Islam
Karimov, has killed many members of Hizb-ut-Tahrir because they work to
establish the Islamic khilafah State.

The so-called Human Rights Organizations neglect this transgression nor do
are trying to uncover it.

Where is the so-called Amnesty International? Where is the freedom of speech
that she claims to protect?

These organizations don't even mention this incident in their periodicals.
This silence shows how hypocritical are these so called Human Rights
Organizations. It shows that these organizations are merely another tool for
the imperialist infidels to interfere in the affairs of other states. It
also shows the sincerity of these brothers of Hizb-ut-Tahrir in Uzbekistan,
and that they have no affiliation with the imperialist infidels.

The imperialist infidels and their agents open the door to some "official"
Islamic scholars to present their version of Islam on TV channels and
Satellite channels which serves the imperialist infidels plans against this
Muslim Ummah. Whereas they persecute, torture, and kill the Islamic
activists whom present the real face of Islam.

They call those Muslims terrorists that want to establish the Islamic State,
or if they want to liberate the Muslim Ummah from the influence of the
imperialist infidels.

The imperialist infidels had declared war openly on all the Muslims
especially on the sincere working ones.

The Islamic Ummah should wake up and return back to Allah if she wants not
to only to survive but to be the leader of all the nations of the world.

The U.S. along with other imperialist infidels is working day and night to
prevent this universal growing movement to return to Islam. The U.S. is
working to divide Indonesia, to occupy the Golan Heights and other parts of
the Muslim world in order to prepare herself not against these corrupt weak
regimes in the Muslim world but against the coming Islamic Khilafah State.

May Allah turn back the Unbelievers for (all) their fury: with they gaining
no advantage.

May Allahs curse be upon the unjust rulers and the ones who back them.

May Allah glorify us with Islam.


To discuss this speech : Go to Al-Aqsa Discussion Board
This speech is given every week and immediately after Friday Prayer from
Al-AQSA MOSQUE in Alquds-Jerusalem.
You can also listen to this speech in Arabic or read the arabic transcript.
Please note that the English text is not an exact translation but is an
approximate summary to the main points mentioned in the speech.
Spread the Word, and you will be rewarded Insha'Allah, please promote this
site amongst all Muslims.


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