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Title: Today's News on Afghanistan--AOP--
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Afghan News 

FRIDAY, 12-15-2000 


The Taliban and Usama bin Ladin

Frontier Post-Articles
By Idrees Ahmad

‘Our stand on this issue, as with any, is based on Islamic Law, and wecall on all to abide by the Shariah.

There is no possibility of us changing our position on this.” [Mullah Muhammad Omar, Ameer-ul-Mumineen of Afghanistan and leader of Taliban] One of the primary reasons for the current World isolation and UN sanctions on Afghanistan is the Taliban’s refusal to hand over Usama bin Ladin to America to stand ‘trial’ for crimes that he has not committed.

The issue of Usama bin Ladin and the refusal of the Taliban to hand him over to America despite isolation and sanctions from the whole World is a proof of their sincerity to uphold the Islamic Shariah whether the enemies of Islam like it or dislike it.

Under the Islamic Shariah, it is forbidden for a Muslim to hand over another Muslim to a kafir (disbeliever) whatever the reason and whatever the circumstances.

Handing over a Muslim to a kafir is equivalent to taking sides with disbeliveers against Muslims, which is one of the ten things that nullify a person’s Islam and make him into an apostate.

Therefore, even if the strategic interests of the Taliban lie in handing over Usama bin Ladin to America, they are bound by both the Islamic Shariah and their Aqeedah (Islamic creed) and cannot do this as it amounts to a transgression in the principles they stand for and are calling the people to.

A country implementing Shariah is supposed to be a safe-haven for any Muslim in the World fleeing from oppression or persecution for his religion.

The Saudi Arabian Government ‘revoked’ the Saudi nationality of Usama bin Ladin in 1994 and thus he became a refugee in Sudan.

Two years later, he was expelled from Sudan and became a refugee in Afghanistan.

What type of Shariah is it that fails to protect the lives and well-beings of Muslim refugees from their enemies? Why did Usama bin Ladin go to Afghanistan? Because that was the only country in the World where he could be safe from the persecution he was facing for his religion.

And which nation is it that has labelled Usama bin Ladin a terrorist and a criminal for allegedly causing the deaths of a few dozen Americans? Is it the same nation that was the only nation in history to use atomic weapons in anger, when it dropped two nuclear bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, killing over 220,000 Japanese? Weren’t those people human beings as well? Or do Japanese not count as human beings like Americans do? Is it the same nation that ‘mistakenly’ dropped a laser-guided bomb on an Iraqi refugee shelter killing over 2000 Muslim women and children, ‘mistaking’ it for an Iraqi Command and Control Centre?

Were these people not human beings? Is it the same racist nation that, not so long ago, oppressed black people for decades, such that there were ‘whites-only’ and ‘blacks-only’ sections on public buses? The same nation whose foundations were built on racism, oppressing a people because of their skin colour? Is it the same nation that has imposed over ten years of sanctions on Muslim babies and children in Iraq, killing over ONE MILLION innocent babies due to lack of medicine and nutrition? Is it the same nation that built and supported a terrorist state, by the name of Israel, and continues to send it billions of dollars of its taxpayer’s money every year, to commit genocide of children under 16 and women?

Does this hypocrite nation have the right to call anyone a terrorist just because they condemn its unjust practices? It is very clear to any intelligent individual, Muslim or not, that it is not possible to plan and execute bombings of embassies and ships sitting in a barren country thousands of miles away with no telephone lines, broken highways and where most of the population gets its electricity from diesel generators.

Since Usama bin Ladin is the only Muslim brave enough to speak out against American Zionist oppression, he is the most convenient person to point the finger of blame at whenever anything happens to any American or Jew anywhere.

Do the those fighting Islam not understand that when they oppress the followers of the World’s second largest religion, a religion with over 1.2 billion adherents, they will make millions of enemies, and that someone somewhere is going to do something about it, which will cause loss of life to their own soldiers and citizens.

Usama bin Ladin has repeatedly denied involvement in the 1998 twin-Embassy bombings and the more recent bombing of the USS Cole warship.

It is incumbent upon every Muslim to take his word for that.

Furthermore, to show the hypocrisy of the Zionist American Government and to prove to the World that they wish to make peace and resolve matters, the Taliban have repeatedly asked for America to provide them with evidence that Usama bin Ladin was responsible for these acts so that they can put him on trial in Afghanistan if need be (it is out of the question in the Islamic Shariah to extradite him to stand trial by disbeliveers, under man-made laws).

The Afghans are a warrior Muslim nation that have survived colonialism for centuries.

More recently, they withstood a decade of conventional and chemical attacks by the Soviet Red Army.

Still, this did not turn them away from their religion and their principles.

Does the World really think that some minor economic sanctions here and there, together with some inconvenience, will bend the Afghans to compromise? The Taliban leadership are unlike tyrants like Saddam Hussain, who continues to enjoy designer suits from Paris whilst his people die under sanctions.

Rather, they live on the bare necessities themselves (in the footsteps of the Prophet (SAWS) and his noble companions) and live on much the same that their people live on.

Perhaps the statement of 28 July 2000 by Mullah Muhammad Umar, Ameer-ul-Mumineen of Afghanistan can clear the matter if there are still doubts in the hearts of the Muslims and non-Muslims.

He rules out any change in Taliban policy about Osama bin Laden, saying expulsion of the Saudi millionaire will tantamount to leaving a pillar of our religion.

“Our stand on this issue, as with any, is based on Islamic law’’.


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