Well please run a spellcheck on it, format it into neat paragraphs and
get someone to proof read it before you post it.

That first message here nearly killed me.

>>The lighting is not as it is seen inside the engine when you use that
That's probably because your computer really wouldn't be able to
calculate the lightmaps in realtime. What do you think vrad spends
those minutes doing?

>>The progruss bar needs to show total progruss
Once you know the process of compiling a map you can easily tell how
far through you are. I can at least. No need for a progress bar.

>>Profiles are to test weather the map will work without added stuff.
Why would you even want the map to work without added stuff? That's
what modding is about. ADDING STUFF.

>>Players fitting under the leage is something that needs alot of testing
Err no, It's like 58 or 64 units isn't it? It can be measured in hammer easily.

>>finaly the wiki needs more coding documatasion
Sure it does, but that's not valve's no.1 priority. Why don't you go
out there, learn the source engine and add some useful stuff to it

>>also thay do not keep braking ours, thay use a seprate copy that has direct 
>>links with true engine heders.
Well actually.... wait what??? Nope, we have the same thing they do.
We just don't get access to the engine itself. We have everything we
need to make a game like TF2/L4D without engine access anyways.

I for one am actually satisfied with the source SDK, you're doing a
great job. The only thing I'd like in future is for valve to add more
functionality to the engine itself. Dynamic model scaling, DirectX 10
support and other stuff that would put the engine at a commercial and
featurewise par with UE3 and thus earn more licenses and more money
for valve in future and give valve greater resources to keep improving
the engine.

2009/8/29 Joshua Scarsbrook <jscarsbr...@gmail.com>:
> Hi
> Well the only other engine i liked is irrlicht but source is much beter
> for indie projects. i hope valve does not mind that i am making my own
> help file for the sdk, it will take forever to make but it will be
> preaty cool, it is working right now. with the ok from valve i will put
> it on the Valve Devlopers Wiki.
> Hope theres no repeat of last time
> Thanks Vbitz
> Logan Baldock wrote:
>> Meh, I like it the way it is actually. I got into modding using the same
>> methods that are there right now, and it just works. Unlike some other
>> engines.
>>> You also have to take into account VALVe's priorities are:
>>>    1. VALVe
>>>    2. Everyone else
>>> The Source SDK is basically just ripped from their *src/* folder which
>>> contains the engine, VPhysics, Havok, etc. They aren't going to re-organise
>>> the entire code base just to suit 20 people who want to save 1 hour per week
>>> with the improvement it results in.
>>> Thanks,
>>> - Saul.
>>> 2009/8/29 Paul Peloski <paulpelo...@gmail.com>
>>>> The SDK is improving all the time, but only to the extent necessary for
>>>> Valve to make awesome games. While an XML-based weapon system might be what
>>>> *you* need, or maybe what *you think the community needs*, it's not what
>>>> Valve needed. I suggest if that if you have list of massive improvements
>>>> that *you get to work on them*, or pick an engine that already has the
>>>> features and tools you need.
>>>> Paul
>>>> On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 3:37 PM, Joshua Scarsbrook <jscarsbr...@gmail.com
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Tony
>>>>> I think that the source sdk is a bit out dated; I think that with the
>>>>> realece of hl2ep3 or just after it, there needs to be a massive
>>>>> improvement in the source software development kit. For one there needs
>>>>> to be a weapon generator that uses tags and xml to define a weapon a
>>>>> basic weapon to speed up development of new weapons.  For two there
>>>>> needs to be a technical improvement to hammer. Hammer as said by many
>>>>> members of the community is out dated and needs to be improved; a simple
>>>>> improvement would be to add a progress bar to the run map window, also
>>>>> there needs to be a lighting render button to give a preview of the dev.
>>>>> In addition, there needs to be profiles added to the engine, say like a
>>>>> dev mode, which does not load custom content. Another thing would be to
>>>>> add crash tracking in the engine, the report bug system is not
>>>>> implicated enough and most map devs will understand technical details. A
>>>>> micro-engine in hammer to test whether a player can fit under a league
>>>>> is also a importing thing. A defeat visleef system would be a very
>>>>> powerful improvement to show things the player would be seeing and only
>>>>> that. The hammer editor is treated very much like a cad program and
>>>>> should be made easier to understand and with inbuilt documentation to
>>>>> help newcomers to mapping, the doc would be placed as tooltips and info
>>>>> in the entries window. In addition, it would be important make the
>>>>> skeathup plug-in more available though it is hidden in the source sdk
>>>>> gcf. In addition, improvements need to be made to the documentation of
>>>>> the source sdk, such as a separate wiki that contains a detailed
>>>>> expiation of what each coding file does. With all of this said I think
>>>>> that the source sdk and Valve Developers Wiki is out of date and both
>>>>> need an improvemt considering the amount of people that use them. Also
>>>>> worth noting, that it is too hard to change basic game play rules and
>>>>> they should be in a collective header file. What I propose is both
>>>>> employees of valve and the coumumatiy surrounding them do this as to
>>>>> continue communality support for years to come. Though these
>>>>> improvements would require a lot of development, I think that they would
>>>>> appeal to the entire communality.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Vbitz
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