Alexander Kobbevik wrote:

I disagree.

First of all my reply was meant to point out that he asked to become a
member of this list.
Even though he wants to leave, we didn't sign him up.
So he should calm down, try to unsubscribe again or contact the admin of the

And did your email actually say any of this?  No it didn't, so your
email basically amounts to flaming and abuse, which, as I pointed out,
is the reason people want to leave this list. That and the pointless
bandwidth wasting replies like Derek's response to your email.

I have to say though Alexander, this is the only email of yours that I
have taken offense to. Its unfortunately that there are so many other
emails like this from others that turn up daily.

And some might say that it's not polite to yell..

You are quite correct. It is not polite to yell, which is exactly why
only the first line of my email is in caps.  It is there to make the
point that I'm rather angry with the ever increasing quantity of
pointless inane rubbish that people are posting to this list.

Why don't we all do ourselves a favour by reporting his emails as spam in
out web clients and filtering his emails.

Dan, I can quite happily block out kissker - its all the flames and
pointless responses that I can't block out, because then I'd probably
end up blocking the whole damn list.

Enough of this anyway.... 10 hours 15 minutes and counting..... =-O ;-)


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