On Mon, Jan 13, 2003 at 07:15:19AM -0600, Eric (Deacon) wrote:
> > Yes, I've seen people with wallhacks and aimbots, sometimes
> > both. And something someone referred to as  "speedhack", but
> > this one wasn't proved.
> I saw a working speed hack about a week ago.  Banned on sight.

I too have seen this.  The ones I've seen when they shoot they just go
apsolutely spastic, everything looks like it is on fast forward!.

> > While I was playing I saw one guy hit 5 HSs in a row without a
> > sniping gun !
> And?  It happens...
> > And, yes, sometimes some users just vanish, whenever there is
> > someone spectating. Coincidentally, the users that had 28/4
> > frag/death type of score.
> Unless your server is frequented by an unusually high skill balance,
> 28/4 isn't necessarily a) impossible b) unusual.  Lately I've been
> pulling those scores in most pubs I visit, and I'm not even really that
> good compared to a lot of the guys I know...
> > And sometimes those 28/4 type of guys start to play really bad,
> > whenever I log on to the server and start spectating.
> Heh, watch their movements to gauge their noob level.  I *have* LANed
> with some guys who had great aim but had no idea how to move around the
> map or really be a pro in general, but it's pretty rare.  If they're
> moving like they just learned just yesterday how to use a mouse, whereas
> before they were popping heads at midrange with no difficulty, they
> might have been employing some artificial aiming help ;)
> --
> Eric (the Deacon remix)
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