It's not raining here, but they called for rain.

Also, what does mani have to do with my questions?

} -----Original Message-----
} From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:hlds_linux-
} [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ryan Veltidi
} Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2007 7:50 PM
} To:
} Subject: Re: [hlds_linux] Source Engine Update Available
} I am not using MetaMod and Mani still works.
} Windows Server 2003. Mani 1.2 R
} On 6/12/07, Guy Watkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
} > Maybe I am just slow, but I am confused by the pure stuff.
} > I want clients to download any needed files if they have something
} wrong.
} > But it seems the options are warn and kick.
} >
} > From what I read I need sv_pure 1, but what do I set
} sv_pure_kick_clients
} > to?
} >
} > "sv_pure_kick_clients" = "1"
} >  - If set to 1, the server will kick clients with mismatching files.
} > Otherwise, it will issue a warning to the client.
} >
} > Another thing.  The wiki sort of gives examples of the whilelist file,
} but
} > an example posted to this list has this format:
} > whitelist
} > {
} >         models\...         allow_from_disk+check_crc
} >         sounds\...         allow_from_disk+check_crc
} >         scripts\...        allow_from_disk+check_crc
} > }
} >
} > The wiki does not indicate you should use whitelist{}?  Which is it?  I
} have
} > the beta but a pure_server_whitelist.txt file was not put on my server.
} >
} > One last thing.  I only host custom maps.  Would this be valid?
} > ... allow_from_disk+check_crc
} > Or
} > \... allow_from_disk+check_crc
} >
} > Thanks,
} > Guy
} >
} >
} > } -----Original Message-----
} > } From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:hlds_linux-
} > } [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jason Ruymen
} > } Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2007 5:11 PM
} > } Subject: [hlds_linux] Source Engine Update Available
} > }
} > } Updates to the Source Engine are now available.  Previously this was
} in
} > } Beta, behind srcds0407.  Please run hldsupdatetool to receive this
} > } update.  The specific changes include:
} > }
} > } Pure Servers:
} > } Servers can now force the client to match the server's files, by
} > } becoming a pure server. When a server enables sv_pure, clients who
} > } connect and play on the server cannot gain an advantage by modifying
} the
} > } game content. For more information about Pure Servers, click here:
} > }
} > }
} > } Source Engine:
} > } - In-game server browser only shows human players in the player counts
} > } column. Bots column now shows number of bots instead of a "some bots"
} or
} > } "no bots" icon
} > } - Fixed servers with bots reporting incorrect number of bots when
} > } sv_master_legacy_mode is set to 0
} > } - Fixed a server performance problem with queued packets
} > } - Increased the maximum rate to 1 megabyte
} > } - Added a findflags console command, which can list all cvars with a
} > } specified flag. For example: 'findflags server_can_execute' will find
} > } all console variables and commands marked with
} > } - Cheat protected many cvars and commands
} > } - Removed cl_restrict_server_commands to prevent clients from being
} > } redirected
} > } - Fixed user names reported as "unconnected" when greater than 32k
} > } players had connected to the server
} > } - Fixed a client crash during authentication
} > } - Fixed a crash when mashing the ~ key on disconnect
} > } - Fixed a bug with sv_minrate and sv_maxrate not applying properly on
} > } the client
} > } - Fixed the free roaming camera in SourceTV demos
} > } - Fixed cl_language archiving itself and not updating correctly when
} the
} > } language changed
} > } - Fixed a voice recording bug that could cause voice dropouts
} > } - Fixed a rare crash when spectating in Counter-Strike: Source
} > }
} > } We'd also ask that everyone please set sv_master_legacy_mode 0 again
} and
} > } report any problems.
} > }
} > } Jason
} > }
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