It was fixed in the last Left4Dead update.


Shane Arnold            -

"For want of a nail, the horseshoe was lost. For want of a horseshoe, the horse 
was lost. For want of a horse, the messenger was lost. For want of a messenger, 
the message was not delivered. For want of an undelivered message the war was 

Steffen Tronstad wrote:
> So is sv_steamgroup_exclusive still broken, or can I use it?
> I have a customer who wants a server that only his group can use.
> / Steffen
> -----Opprinnelig melding-----
> Fra: 
> [] På vegne av David A. Parker
> Sendt: 29. juni 2009 20:58
> Til: Half-Life dedicated Linux server mailing list
> Emne: Re: [hlds_linux] L4D sv_steamgroup_exclusive broken?
> Just a quick update.  If you have a password set, you can connect to the 
> server from a lobby using ms_force_dedicated_server but it does not 
> prompt you for the password (it just connects and starts the game).  If 
> you direct-connect then you get prompted for the password.
>      - Dave
> David Parker wrote:
>> This brings me back to something I said several times when the srcds for L4D 
>> first came out: Why can't you set sv_password on a server and still connect 
>> to it from the lobby?  If I recall correctly, the behavior used to be that a 
>> server with sv_password set was removed from the pool, and you could *only* 
>> direct connect.  I haven't tested it since they introduce 
>> ms_force_dedicated_server, so maybe you can also connect to one from the 
>> lobby now.  Does anyone know if this works?  It just seems like you might 
>> want to lock a server down so that only certain people can play on it.  With 
>> both sv_steamgroup_exclusive and sv_search_key, anyone can join the game 
>> once there are players on it.  So, if you and a friend want to play co-op on 
>> your server without people from the public joining in the other two slots, 
>> you really have no good way to do that.  Is this correct?
>> Also, I got a reply to my original post from one of the Valve devs.  It 
>> appears they may have broken sv_stemgroup_exclusive while adding the ability 
>> for servers to belong to multiple groups.  I think they're working on the 
>> problem.
>>     Thanks,
>>     Dave
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Coldorak <>
>> Date: Sunday, June 28, 2009 4:39 pm
>> Subject: Re: [hlds_linux] L4D sv_steamgroup_exclusive broken?
>> To: Half-Life dedicated Linux server mailing list 
>> <>
>>> On my servers, I've put a whitelist plugin, so only the players 
>>> from my
>>> community can connect, the other ones are kicked before the end 
>>> of the
>>> connection.
>>> Cold
>>> On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 9:00 PM, <> wrote:
>>>> We have found the search key to be fairly ineffective for our 
>>> community.> It's a pain in the butt for people to remember to 
>>> use when they want to
>>>> jump
>>>> on one of our dedicated servers.  When we talked it over, 
>>> nobody wanted to
>>>> deal with it.
>>>> I used to run one public and three Steamgroup only 
>>> servers.  At this point,
>>>> I've taken down all four.  I may or may not put one or 
>>> two back up as
>>>> Steamgroup exclusive once Valve resolves this.
>>>> In the meantime, I've asked the guys what else they'd like to 
>>> play.  My
>>>> guess is that for now, they'll ask that we put up one or two 
>>> DoD:S servers
>>>> and/or a no Honor AA3 server.
>>>> On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 4:13 PM, Adam Nowacki 
>>> <> wrote:
>>>>> Yes, its broken, but you can get same as before behavior by 
>>> setting> > sv_search_key to some very random string :D
>>>>> David A. Parker wrote:
>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>> Following the latest L4D update, my Steam-group-exclusive 
>>> L4D servers
>>>>>> seem to be open to anyone.  Both server have these 
>>> lines in their
>>>>> configs:
>>>>>> sv_steamgroup XXXXXX
>>>>>> sv_steamgroup_exclusive 1
>>>>>> (XXXXXX is substituted for the group ID, of course)
>>>>>> When I type "find steamgroup" in each server's console, it 
>>> returns> this:
>>>>>> "sv_steamgroup" = "XXXXXX" ( def. "" )
>>>>>>    notify
>>>>>>    - The IDs of the steam groups that this server 
>>> belongs to, seperated
>>>>>> by commas. You can find group IDs on the admin profile 
>>> pages in the
>>>>>> Steam community.
>>>>>> "sv_steamgroup_exclusive" = "1" ( def. "0" )
>>>>>>    - If set, only members of Steam group will be 
>>> able to join the server
>>>>>> when it's empty, public people will be able to join the 
>>> server only if
>>>>>> it has players.
>>>>>> So, the cvars are set correctly, it just appears that
>>>>>> sv_steamgroup_exclusive is no longer being honored.  
>>> Is anyone else
>>>>>> seeing this?
>>>>>>       Thanks,
>>>>>>       Dave
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