>Will this make having 33 slots servers impossible? (32 + 1 hidden, got by 
>putting tv_enable 1; tv_enable 0 in autoexec.cfg)

I have no idea. :)

I also cannot answer right now if it's possible to increase the maximum from 32 
to 64 on TF or any other game. :(

>> For example, if you want to have a server with 24 human players, and one

>> reserved secret slot for yourself, you will set maxplayers to 24 and

>> visiblemaxplayers to 25

>Isn't it the other way round?

>maxplayers 25

>sv_visiblemaxplayers 24

As Willy Wonka once said: "Strike that.  Reverse it."

>It would have been hundreds of times easier to just record network

>traffic in the same manner "record" does. Why a player slot has to

>be used as some kind of hacky way to grab network data is unbelievable.

We will give this suggestion all the attention it deserves.

>Who designed this system (I presume you), who the hell spent months trying to

>fix a player count bug (you again?), and why the hell are they still at Valve?

I believe this dates all the way back to the days of HL1...Quake...?  In any 
case, no it wasn't me.  If I locate the person responsible, I'll make sure and 
pass on your question.  I fear that they will be quite devastated.  But perhaps 
they will be able to explain why they weren't able to create the incredible 
amount of value for customers as they did, in a less kludgey way.

- Fletch
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