When the steam binary installs distribution files, it would be really nice if the date/time info was also brought along with it, so that they were universal between installs and systems. This would make it super easy to do delta copies (like rsync --compare-dest), make deduplication easier, and probably allow for many other nice things.

Unfortunately, those time stamps are not coming along, so if I want to dedupe my files, I have to hash them, which is IO and CPU intensive.

Right now, I have something like 96GB of steam server files total, but if I dedupe them, I really only have about 17GB. All the rest is duplicate files.

Here are two files, both the same;

jmomo@parts-->md5sum ./server-tf2-*/orangebox/tf/bin/server.so
96341361093e90bc2f7f553fc0b70bb3 ./server-tf2-TEST1/orangebox/tf/bin/server.so 96341361093e90bc2f7f553fc0b70bb3 ./server-tf2-VANILLA/orangebox/tf/bin/server.so

But they have different timestamps because they were updated separately;

jmomo@parts-->stat ./server-tf2-*/orangebox/tf/bin/server.so
  File: `./server-tf2-TEST1/orangebox/tf/bin/server.so'
  Size: 19269858        Blocks: 37640      IO Block: 4096   regular file
Device: 900h/2304d      Inode: 5123264     Links: 1
Access: (0640/-rw-r-----)  Uid: (  107/    hlds)   Gid: ( 1002/    hlds)
Access: 2011-08-23 18:09:37.480571803 -0700
Modify: 2011-08-23 18:09:40.444510880 -0700
Change: 2011-08-23 18:09:40.444510880 -0700
  File: `./server-tf2-VANILLA/orangebox/tf/bin/server.so'
  Size: 19269858        Blocks: 37640      IO Block: 4096   regular file
Device: 900h/2304d      Inode: 4074734     Links: 1
Access: (0640/-rw-r-----)  Uid: (  107/    hlds)   Gid: ( 1002/    hlds)
Access: 2011-08-23 18:08:28.473989980 -0700
Modify: 2011-08-23 18:08:35.717841116 -0700
Change: 2011-08-23 18:08:35.717841116 -0700

Don't suggest that I use hard links.  These files span multiple hosts.

# Jesse Molina
# Mail = je...@opendreams.net
# Page = page-je...@opendreams.net
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