- Fixed a rare case where the offensive/defensive buff particle effects
could get stuck on players
Exciting, during waiting for players sometimes if someone was doing the
Medic's group heal taunt - when the match would start sometimes that aura
would stick around until he reconnected. Hopefully that's gone!

Also apparently this update came right as the first Highlander matches were
due to start, haha :(

On Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 1:51 PM, Eric Smith <er...@valvesoftware.com> wrote:

> We've released a mandatory update to Team Fortress 2. The notes for the
> update are below.
> -Eric
> ------------------------------
> Team Fortress 2
> - Added The Liquor Locker
> - Fixed a rare case where the offensive/defensive buff particle effects
> could get stuck on players
> - Fixed the Spy's cloak effect not working properly for The Texas
> Half-Pants and the Something Special For Someone Special
> - Fixed the Gentle Manne's Service Medal not being drawn when equipped
> - Updated some of the localization files
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