Alas, I see at least 5 crash-dumps on my server since remotely applying the 
update this afternoon.  I will troubleshoot when I get home from the office 
later to ensure it's not any server-side mod's contributing, etc. (all the 
usual stuff).  Where I am at right now I can't do that.

PS: I saw some stuff in various threads about SteamCMD -vs- HLDSUpdateTool.  Is 
SteamCMD mandatory on TF2 now? If so, must have missed that.  I kinda thought 
that was limited in scope to certain 3rd party mods distributed through Steam.

PPS: Think I just accidentally did a reply to the digest without editing a bit 
ago.  My apologies for the spam.

> Message: 6
> Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2012 14:39:57 -0700
> From: " Admin" <>
> To: Half-Life dedicated Linux server mailing list
>       <>
> Subject: Re: [hlds_linux] Mandatory TF2 update released
> Message-ID:
>       <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> It's nice to dream about exclusive hats, but as many have previously said,
> it won't happen. There aren't a lot of good multiplayer games that have
> dedicated servers support with this level of flexibility and freedom these
> days. Valve is great in that regard. If I had one wish after this weekend's
> incident, it would be maybe having a bit more communication from Valve and
> some pre-release builds. They could tell us (like they do now) about a big
> update coming soon, and release a preview build for us to test on our
> servers a day or two ahead of public release. They wouldn't have to do this
> for every single update, just for the major ones. I'm sure a lot of people
> on this list will gladly test these updates and report potential issues and
> problems. Then again, I'm not a programmer, so maybe what I'm saying isn't
> practical/possible.
> On topic, it seems that this morning's update did fix the crashes. I
> haven't had any problems so far.
> Thanks Valve.
> P.

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