i assume you disabled sprays too? if you got 10k sprays in your folder it
also brings it to it knees performance wise. If you can install it, i
normally use "iotop" to see big troublemakers (although you might not see
the other guys since its a vps)

As comparison, updating 15 servers on a normal hdd took ages. Using ssd
only took a couple of minutes. (yes i now use linked installs)

I dont know if it works, but you can also test your hdd speed with hdparm.
But again, i am no expert in the field, just suggestions.

2014-04-11 4:09 GMT+02:00 Yun Huang Yong <gumby_li...@mooh.org>:

> On 11/04/2014 11:30 AM, pilger wrote:
>> @yun
>> What if they guarantee *my VPS* will have the 100 IOPS?
> You've reached the limits of my knowledge :]
> BTW I neglected the read ops before. I don't have useful data for a single
> TF2 instance (I typically run ~4 TF2 servers per VPS) but one of my VPS
> bursts up to 480 read ops/sec. Write ops rarely go above 10/s, even with
> replays + logging. In terms of throughput reads burst over 16MB/s but
> writes are <100kB/s.
> But I stress that these numbers include 2 x MvM servers + 1 x 24p all full
> at the time. I can't break out the numbers for the 24p on its own because
> the per-process data that I have shows the read reqs made by srcds but a
> bunch of that would be satisfied by OS caching so it doesn't translate to
> actual disk I/O.
> Which points at another issue with trying to just run the numbers --
> there's caching happening within your VM, and possibly underneath as well,
> and both would be dynamically changing depending on what you & your
> neighbours are doing.
> It keeps coming back to -- try it and see :]
> BTW I understand your pain. Australia is also expensive (relative to
> US/Europe but I think cheaper than Brazil) and over 16 months of running
> TF2 servers we have been through 4 providers and migrated hosts within
> providers umpteen times. That's how I got to the point of monitoring
> crazily and to the conclusion that you have to talk to the hosts + be
> prepared to trial/move a lot.
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