I havec a PC with debain etch 4.0r0 and an hp multi-fonction PSC2350.
I have installed hplip 2.7.10.
With debian sarge and hplip, everything worked.
But now I can print but scanning doesn't work. 
# scanimage -L doesn't give any answer and I must terminate this command
with ctrl c.
hp-check doesnt give any error (exception on scanimage -L). See
hp-check.log below.

What is wrong ?
Thanks for your help,

hp-check[29690]: info: :
Initializing. Please wait...
scheduler is running


Linux debiantl 2.6.18-5-486 #1 Tue Oct 2 23:38:54 UTC 2007 i686

hp-check[29690]: info: :
hp-check[29690]: info: :---------------
hp-check[29690]: info: :| SYSTEM INFO |
hp-check[29690]: info: :---------------
hp-check[29690]: info: :
hp-check[29690]: info: :[01mBasic system information:[0m
hp-check[29690]: info: :Linux debiantl 2.6.18-5-486 #1 Tue Oct 2
23:38:54 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux
hp-check[29690]: info: :
hp-check[29690]: info: :[01mDistribution:[0m
hp-check[29690]: info: :debian 4.0
hp-check[29690]: info: :[01m
HPOJ running?[0m
hp-check[29690]: info: :No, HPOJ is not running (OK).
hp-check[29690]: info: :
hp-check[29690]: info: :[01mChecking Python version...[0m
hp-check[29690]: info: :OK, version 2.4.4 installed
hp-check[29690]: info: :
hp-check[29690]: info: :[01mChecking PyQt version...[0m
hp-check[29690]: info: :OK, version 3.16 installed.
hp-check[29690]: info: :
hp-check[29690]: info: :[01mChecking SIP version...[0m
hp-check[29690]: info: :OK, Version 4.4.5 installed
hp-check[29690]: info: :
hp-check[29690]: info: :[01mChecking for CUPS...[0m
hp-check[29690]: info: :Status: scheduler is running
hp-check[29690]: info: :Version: 1.2.7
hp-check[29690]: info: :
hp-check[29690]: info: :[01mChecking for Reportlab...[0m
hp-check[29690]: info: :OK, version >= 2.0
hp-check[29690]: info: :
hp-check[29690]: info: :----------------
hp-check[29690]: info: :| DEPENDENCIES |
hp-check[29690]: info: :----------------
hp-check[29690]: info: :
hp-check[29690]: info: :
hp-check[29690]: info: :[01mChecking for dependency: cups - Common Unix
Printing System...[0m
hp-check[29690]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[29690]: info: :
hp-check[29690]: info: :[01mChecking for dependency: cups-devel- Common
Unix Printing System development files...[0m
hp-check[29690]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[29690]: info: :
hp-check[29690]: info: :[01mChecking for dependency: gcc - GNU Project C
and C++ Compiler...[0m
hp-check[29690]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[29690]: info: :
hp-check[29690]: info: :[01mChecking for dependency: GhostScript -
PostScript and PDF language interpreter and previewer...[0m
hp-check[29690]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[29690]: info: :
hp-check[29690]: info: :[01mChecking for dependency: libcrypto - OpenSSL
cryptographic library...[0m
hp-check[29690]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[29690]: info: :
hp-check[29690]: info: :[01mChecking for dependency: libjpeg - JPEG
hp-check[29690]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[29690]: info: :
hp-check[29690]: info: :[01mChecking for dependency: libnetsnmp-devel -
SNMP networking library development files...[0m
hp-check[29690]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[29690]: info: :
hp-check[29690]: info: :[01mChecking for dependency: libpthread - POSIX
threads library...[0m
hp-check[29690]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[29690]: info: :
hp-check[29690]: info: :[01mChecking for dependency: libtool - Library
building support services...[0m
hp-check[29690]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[29690]: info: :
hp-check[29690]: info: :[01mChecking for dependency: libusb - USB
hp-check[29690]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[29690]: info: :
hp-check[29690]: info: :[01mChecking for dependency: make - GNU make
utility to maintain groups of programs...[0m
hp-check[29690]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[29690]: info: :
hp-check[29690]: info: :[01mChecking for dependency: PIL - Python
Imaging Library (required for commandline scanning with hp-scan)...[0m
hp-check[29690]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[29690]: info: :
hp-check[29690]: info: :[01mChecking for dependency: ppdev - Parallel
port support kernel module....[0m
hp-check[29690]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[29690]: info: :
hp-check[29690]: info: :[01mChecking for dependency: PyQt - Qt interface
for Python...[0m
hp-check[29690]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[29690]: info: :
hp-check[29690]: info: :[01mChecking for dependency: python-devel -
Python development files...[0m
hp-check[29690]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[29690]: info: :
hp-check[29690]: info: :[01mChecking for dependency: Python 2.3 or
greater - Required for fax functionality...[0m
hp-check[29690]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[29690]: info: :
hp-check[29690]: info: :[01mChecking for dependency: Python 2.2 or
greater - Python programming language...[0m
hp-check[29690]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[29690]: info: :
hp-check[29690]: info: :[01mChecking for dependency: Reportlab - PDF
library for Python...[0m
hp-check[29690]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[29690]: info: :
hp-check[29690]: info: :[01mChecking for dependency: SANE - Scanning
hp-check[29690]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[29690]: info: :
hp-check[29690]: info: :[01mChecking for dependency: SANE - Scanning
library development files...[0m
hp-check[29690]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[29690]: info: :
hp-check[29690]: info: :[01mChecking for dependency: scanimage - Shell
scanning program...[0m
hp-check[29690]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[29690]: info: :
hp-check[29690]: info: :[01mChecking for dependency: xsane - Graphical
scanner frontend for SANE...[0m
hp-check[29690]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[29690]: info: :
hp-check[29690]: info: :
hp-check[29690]: info: :----------------------
hp-check[29690]: info: :| HPLIP INSTALLATION |
hp-check[29690]: info: :----------------------
hp-check[29690]: info: :
hp-check[29690]: info: :
hp-check[29690]: info: :[01mCurrently installed HPLIP version...[0m
hp-check[29690]: info: :HPLIP 2.7.10 currently installed in
hp-check[29690]: info: :
hp-check[29690]: info: :[01mCurrent contents of '/etc/hp/hplip.conf'
hp-check[29690]: info: :# hplip.conf.  Generated from hplip.conf.in by

# Note: hpssd does not support dynamic ports
# Port 2207 is the IANA assigned port for hpssd



# Following values are determined at configure time and cannot be

hp-check[29690]: info: :
hp-check[29690]: info: :----------------------
hp-check[29690]: info: :| INSTALLED PRINTERS |
hp-check[29690]: info: :----------------------
hp-check[29690]: info: :
hp-check[29690]: info: :
hp-check[29690]: info: :[01mPSC_2350[0m
hp-check[29690]: info: :[01m--------[0m
hp-check[29690]: info: :Type: Printer
hp-check[29690]: info: :Installed in HPLIP?: Yes, using the hp: CUPS
hp-check[29690]: info: :Device URI:
hp-check[29690]: info: :PPD: /etc/cups/ppd/PSC_2350.ppd
hp-check[29690]: info: :PPD Description: HP PSC 2350 Foomatic/hpijs
hp-check[29690]: info: :Printer status: printer PSC_2350 is idle.
enabled since sam 27 oct 2007 14:27:06 CEST
hp-check[29690]: info: :
hp-check[29690]: info: :----------------------
hp-check[29690]: info: :| SANE CONFIGURATION |
hp-check[29690]: info: :----------------------
hp-check[29690]: info: :
hp-check[29690]: info: :[01m'hpaio' in '/etc/sane.d/dll.conf'...[0m
hp-check[29690]: info: :OK, found. SANE backend 'hpaio' is properly set
hp-check[29690]: info: :
hp-check[29690]: info: :[01mChecking output of 'scanimage -L'...[0m
hp-check[29690]: info: :
hp-check[29690]: info: :
hp-check[29690]: info: :---------------------
hp-check[29690]: info: :| PYTHON EXTENSIONS |
hp-check[29690]: info: :---------------------
hp-check[29690]: info: :
hp-check[29690]: info: :[01mChecking 'cupsext' CUPS extension...[0m
hp-check[29690]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[29690]: info: :
hp-check[29690]: info: :[01mChecking 'pcardext' Photocard
hp-check[29690]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[29690]: info: :
hp-check[29690]: info: :[01mChecking 'hpmudext' I/O extension...[0m
hp-check[29690]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[29690]: info: :
hp-check[29690]: info: :[01mChecking 'scanext' SANE scanning
hp-check[29690]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[29690]: info: :
hp-check[29690]: info: :
hp-check[29690]: info: :-----------------
hp-check[29690]: info: :| USB I/O SETUP |
hp-check[29690]: info: :-----------------
hp-check[29690]: info: :
hp-check[29690]: info: :
hp-check[29690]: info: :[01mChecking for permissions of USB attached
hp-check[29690]: info: :HP Device 0x4911 at 001:006:
hp-check[29690]: info: :    Device URI:
hp-check[29690]: info: :    Device node: /dev/bus/usb/001/006
hp-check[29690]: info: :    Mode: 0666
hp-check[29690]: info: :
hp-check[29690]: info: :-----------
hp-check[29690]: info: :| SUMMARY |
hp-check[29690]: info: :-----------
hp-check[29690]: info: :
hp-check[29690]: info: :[32;01mNo errors or warnings.[0m

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