On Wednesday, October 16, 2002, at 02:27  AM, Brian White wrote:

>   * 95% of htdocs/attrs.html

I guess I'm not clear on what "95%" means. Does this refer to the markup 
that you mentioned before?

> I still need to bundle up the changes - I was thinking of creating
> a patch based on 3.2.0b4 and just posting that here.

Yes, that's probably a good idea.

> the status of defaults.cc? How much has to merged in? Will
> there need to exist in parallel in the CVS for a peiod?

They can't really "exist in parallel" in the CVS--your code, after all, 
generates defaults.cc. Certainly some amount of merging will be needed 
for a while, but I don' think that barrier will be too high. But 
certainly I think your patch will need to be checked fairly carefully 
for possible "gotchas" and then we'll probably need to merge in 
Lachlan's proposed fixes.

> I have some code that would help here ( bits of hacked together C and
> Perl code ) - I just want to know whether I need to include it
> in the bundle!

I'm assuming you mean code to help with the merging?


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