I'm going to take two separate issues and separate them for the moment:
1) What changes are needed for a solid 3.2.0 release.
2) The mifluz merge (in a separate e-mail).

Please don't take any of my comments as overly critical or flaming. 
You're new to the project and attempting to take on some heavy 
lifting--so I'm trying to transfer some experience.

>       experience the idea of beta versions is to fix bugs, new features
>       and major code rework is avoided if possible.

This is certainly the traditional definition. In practice with ht://Dig 
development, this hasn't worked very well. Typically this happens 
because there simply hasn't been the manpower to tackle several large 
cleanups at the same time. In the 3.1 "betas," people also came out of 
the woodwork to contribute their local changes.

We do not currently have anything resembling a traditional software 
development and engineering process. Largely this happens because there 
has never been a significant number of core developers who can 
concentrate signficant amounts of time on ht://Dig. (I'm an excellent 
case in point.)

At some time in the future, it would probably be good to move to a more 
"traditional" release scheme. It would also be good to have more 
component-level test suites. In the meantime (i.e. for getting 3.2.0 out 
the door with an appropriate level of stability), I suggest you 
temporarily accept a more flexible definition of "beta release." The 
reality starts with the list I mentioned--we absolutely must do some 
code reworks or we'll be layering more duct tape over our problems. In 
particular, IMHO, we'll continue to have weird htsearch bugs until we 
toss the current parser system.

> My past experience in importing alot of new code like this is that it's
> always harder then it seems that there are lots of bugs.

I'm curious how much open-source development you've done. Remember that 
merging patches is quite typical for maintainers--Gilles and I do this 
quite often. In the case of ht://Dig, while development resources are at 
a premium, we have often ported and merged patches.

The typical "beta" process with ht://Dig has been quite flexible towards 
the beginning and as a release like 3.1.0 firms up, fewer patches would 
be accepted. In answer to the question about 3.2.0 "firming up," 
remember the maxim about "development resources at a premium." For 
example, I'd much rather switch to the new htsearch framework because 
it'll be easier to find bugs.

> a case can be made that not only would the code differ significantly
> with the previous 3.2betas, it also has a load of new features.

Take a look at the release notes for 3.1.0 betas and for previous 3.2.0 
betas. As I said, we've had to take a rather flexible interpretation of 
a "beta" release. We currently don't have "development" or "alpha" 
releases. They would be nice, but I also have to be realistic about the 
pace of development and the number of active developers. Spinning a 
release, no matter what it's called, is a fair amount of work.

> Part of it is a moral thing.  Sometimes when a release is floundering 
> and
> taking too long, it's better to draw a line and say we're going to fix
> these bugs and get it out the door.

True. But pretty much every one of the points I mentioned in the 
previous e-mail goes directly to a bug-fix question. (So does the mifluz 
merge, but that's a separate e-mail.)

> substantial that the release needs to be called "4.0" just to give it
> enough credit ;-).

Avi Rappaport has said much the same thing. But:
a) it's really an issue worthy of a vote on htdig-dev.
b) it's not something to worry about until the final release is close to 


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