I'm compiling htdig-3.2.0b4-20090928 under Cygwin 1.5.5 using gcc 3.3.1, on both 
Windows XP Pro SP1 and Windows 2000 Server SP4. Compiling and installation is not a 
problem. But db.words.db is always a zero length file after running htdig with the 
compression flags at their default values. After some profiling I also noticed that it 
wasn't creating the "db.words.db.work_weakcmpr" file during the dig. When compiled 
under Cygwin 1.3.22 using "gcc-3.2 20020927 (prerelease)", the work file *is* created 
during the dig and db.words.db has size to it afterwards. However, I am not able to 
htdb_dump that file or use htsearch against it. It's corrupt or something. The other 
db files seem to get created fine under both sets of binaries, although I didn't try 
to dump them. And the same version related behavior occurs under both XP and 2000 OS's.

After reading all the SF posts about compression and db issues, I decided to disable 
compression and see what happens:

wordlist_compress: false
wordlist_compress_zlib: false
compression_level: 0

With those settings, everything appears to work fine for both sets of binaries: I can 
dig pages and run htsearch. I haven't modified any of the code to try and address the 
problem yet, but it looks like others are having similar issues on other platforms? Is 
anybody else having trouble with db compression on Windows? I have tried different 
settings for compression_level with no success.

Also, my initial attempts at changing the compression flag values failed with error 
messages from htdig while trying to read the configuration file. It seems that the 
htdig.conf parser doesn't like CR (ASCII=13) characters. Notepad and Wordpad are 
obvious choices for editing this file on Windows, but those don't work because both 
insert CRLF pairs to terminate lines in the file (e.g. DOS format). And then the 
parser apparently won't see flags at the bottom of the CRLF file. The solution was a 
simple JavaScript program to modify htdig.conf by removing all CR characters *before* 
running htdig. Is anybody else seeing this on Cygwin builds?

Sorry for the long post :)

PS - I'm running 3.1.6 in production on Windows at http://www.childrenshc.org/Search/ 
and it rocks!!


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