Title: Message

by R. Schleyer, Eugene, Oregon, USA".

Posted: 21 March, 2000

Ronald Schleyer has a master's degree in journalism from the University of Montana. He is a former news writer and editor and has worked across the northern half of the United States, as well as in Europe and the Middle East.

Many people suspect a deep strategic reason behind NATO's seemingly facile attack on the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. In fact, there is a certain rationale for the Balkans war, a closely held view entertained by its instigators. They know this conflict as a necessary thrust in an ongoing, aggressive, long-term, strategic World War conceived almost a century ago by a British imperialist and cunning sophist of formidable rank. His name was Halford John Mackinder (1861-1947).

Mackinder, a rather clever geographer with a murderous Mission, had an idea so beguiling that, even today it animates the likes of Madeleine Albright, Wesley Clark, Samuel R. Berger, William Cohen, Richard Holbrooke, and others who take what they imagine is an "intellectual" view of statecraft.
Mackinder proudly defended British imperial power and is accurately characterized as an Imperialist. He was knighted for his contributions, chiefly intellectual, to its maintenance and advancement. However, Mackinder consciously directed his writings toward the U.S. audience right from the start because he deeply believed that his own theory called for this.

Mackinder's homicidal geopolitics now lies at the core of U.S. military indoctrination (more on this below). The theory specifically cultivates the goal of subjugating the world. It postulates and persuasively argues the supposed necessity for continuous war of "enlightened" Seamen against
"autocratic" Landsmen for domination of the Landsmen's "Heartland," thereby attaining the power to "command" the world! In a typically arrogant British manner, it claims all wisdom and innate "democratic ideals" for itself.

The Serbians, of course, perceived NATO's countrywide rain of bombs on roads, bridges, industrial plants, schools, and hospitals as a grave and unbelievably insane crime, and often asserted that the war was "demented." They never suspected the war's rational explanation in longstanding western
geopolitical strategy. It is true that the intellectual sham and humbug of the Heartland theory has been convincingly exposed in the English language only in academic circles. Still, it seems incredible that the professors at Belgrade University never discerned Yugoslavia's unfortunate place as the doormat of the Heartland until the bombs began to fall.

It should be borne in mind that, in prosecuting Mackinder's "all for the Heartland" theory, Yugoslavia's enemies are philosophically ignorant. They think atomistically and abstractly and are utterly unaware that their conception of "democratic" (the title of Mackinder's principal work begins with this word) is thoroughly non-organic. Thus, they totally misconceive the true idea of the Nation-State, which is exhibited only in Continental philosophy.

As is well known, the dominant American philosophy has been a bald-faced Pragmatism for more than a century. The country's leading lights were thus prepared to be deceived by Mackinder's mechanistic historical geography and clever sophistical powers in 1919 on first introduction to the Heartland theory. Hence they have entertained the mad professor's dangerous ideas over and over again, as proven by the periodic republication of Mackinder's writings over an eighty-year period, and now for the first time (see below) by the U.S. National Defense University.


British intellectuals call Mackinder the "father of modern British geography." In "Democratic Ideals and Reality" (1919), with rhetorical skill and deft use of brilliantly constructed maps, Mackinder advanced his theory of geopolitical aggression, declaring a supposed necessity for continuous World War of maritime "democratic" against "national" land powers.

Mackinder especially focused on East Europe for strategic control of what he called "The Heartland" and on the Heartland (including much of the territory of the Slavic nations) for domination of the "World Island" (Europe, the Near East, Asia, and Africa). Here is a characteristically catchy aphorism,
taken from the book:

"Who Rules East Europe Commands the Heartland
Who Rules the Heartland Commands the World-Island
Who Rules the World-Island Commands the World"

Left-wing academic analysts who advised the Serbian people (e.g., Michel Collon, "Secret Strategies on Kosovo" (SMISAO #6 (1/99)) negligently failed to point out the ultimate danger of the geopolitical theory behind the decade-long aggression against Federal Yugoslavia. Though entering the intellectual life of the world as long ago as 1904, Mackinder's conceptions enjoyed a resurgence in United States military circles especially after the fall of the Soviet Union. Steps in the Balkans aggression, with its
strategic goal clear only to the perpetrators in Washington, London, and Bonn, began shortly thereafter. Major milestones were reached in 1992, 1995, and 1998.

The U.S. "National Defense University" in 1996 republished the main body of Mackinder's work (under the same title as given above) with a foreword by U.S Air Force Lt. Gen. Ervin Rokke, President of that institution. The book is currently for sale by the U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) in Washington, D.C., and is being used to indoctrinate military officers in Mackinder's fratricidal exhortation to geopolitical conquest.

"In 1942," Rokke says, "Allied strategic planners . . . recognized the value of Mackinder's work, which they used in engineering the defeat of Germany" (!). Rokke states that the entire anti-Soviet Cold War (1947-1991) was merely an interlude, freely admitting the greater struggle for supremacy over the World Island by the maritime powers. "Regional strategic concerns," he says, force the NATO powers "to once again rely" on Mackinder's "classic" formulation of geopolitical war for world domination.

Mackinder's book was translated into German shortly after its first publication in 1919, because in it he acknowledges the desire of what was then an independent Germany to unite German-speaking peoples of East Europe. Mackinder was subsequently blamed for the Lebensraum strategy of the Third Reich, which actually was founded on the work of German master political geographer Gen. Karl Haushofer, who of course had read Mackinder.

Haushofer, a university professor, was styled in a post-WWII biography as "a sheep in wolf's clothing" because he kept aloof from the NSDAP and was not a career officer. None of Haushofer's many German works has been translated into English, which may be indirect proof that the current interpreters of Mackinder's wisdom retain their desire to continue to subordinate Germany under British and U.S. control for their own purposes.

The people of the whole world, first of all in Europe, face grave dangers in the escalating geopolitical war pursued by the Mackinderlings in Washington. Opinion leaders therefore must confront the long-departed mind of the great imperialist Mackinder and his continuing influence on those who would risk
universal destruction for a strictly partial, grossly non-organic, merely superficial conception of democratic ideals and the nature of the modern Nation-State. In fact, a clearer illustration can hardly be found that all gravely misanthropic ideas--in this case conceived for avowedly Imperialist ends--have a devilish life of their own and must be throttled and buried by those who have the power to do so.

Tragically, the atrocious U.S./NATO bombardment of Yugoslavia promoted the same type of vicious war-craft denounced so eloquently a half-century ago by F.J.P. Veale in his memorable book "Advance to Barbarism." The continuing NATO aggression behind the mask of KFOR, led by the United States of America, perpetuates and accentuates the world tragedy by wrecking confidence in the United Nations.

Meanwhile, even today, the Serbians barely realize that in defending their country's sovereignty and territorial integrity, they are most of all preserving the very concept of freedom from otherwise certain death. Hence one of the anti-war movement's most striking slogans: "God save Serbia from her unholy enemies! She defends the World!" The historical proof of this lies just around the corner, as the nations in a bright new century confront the dark legacy of Halford Mackinder's fratricidal cogitations.


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