Hello world!

I am trying to enable debugging in i3, and I am confused by the number of different options to do this.

   command line          config option
-- --------------------  -----------------------------
1 i3 --shmlog-size=X shmlog on|off|toggle|<size>
2  i3 -V ?
3  i3 -d all             ?
4  ? debuglog on|off|toggle

So my question are:

Which one is the recommended way ?
Does `shmlog on` imply  `debuglog on` ?
Does `-d all` imply `-V` ?
What size do you recommend for the shmlog size ?
May I assume that the config options cannot be used to debug issues prior to loading the configuration file (nor issues while loading the configuration file) ? Which of these options provide enough information for a bug report ? Is -V enough ?

It seems that shm logging is better in the sense that it does not increase a log file size, but not as nice as it locks some memory space. What is the reason behind shm logging, instead of the usual logging to file + logrotate ?

Best regards,

PS: Some references
http://i3wm.org/docs/debugging.html (--shmlog)
http://i3wm.org/docs/debugging-release-version.html (-V, -d all)
http://i3wm.org/docs/userguide.html#_enabling_debug_logging (debuglog, shmlog)

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