
I have a topic, which perhaps needs discussion,

We have been using IRC for many years. Recently, some of our communication moved to Slack, and some to Jitsi. What is Sugar Labs's idea of a best, unified communication platform which it should recommend to new developers. Right now, all the guides point directly to IRC, most new developers, who are interested to contributing to Sugar drop a message to an IRC channel, and almost never get a reply. This is possibly because the communication has diversified, or because of a community split on the basis of communication medium.

Recently, many new developers told us of the difficulties of using IRC clients, the need for Bouncers, etc. We (some of us) suggested them to use a Matrix client to connect to #sugar, and indeed they are quite satisfied with new mode of communication.. The Matrix protocol.

The Matrix protocol is interesting. Sugar had a matrix channel for many years. Recently we set up a bridge between the matrix channel (#sugar:matrix.org) and the IRC irc.freenode.net channel, i.e (#sugar), which helped a few developers to keep connected to the IRC channel without a bouncer and also make use of newer clients for mobile, for example Element Android (available  on F-droid, Google Play), and Element iOS. Element / Matrix has a intuitive web client which supports reactions and better formatting as compared to IRC, and is the best place for a developer to start contributing. The most interesting and useful feature is the IRC bridge, which helps to make use of the best of Matrix and maintain the connection between the IRC channel and the Matrix channel. The bridge is a tool which helps to convert the IRC protocol to the matrix protocol and vice versa.

Topic of discussion, we a Sugar Gitter channel, Sugarizer Matrix channel, etc. Matrix has the support to integrate everything to a single channel. What is your opinion?

Interesting points of discussion and helpful material:

* Pull request to add Matrix as a communication medium (https://github.com/sugarlabs/sugar-docs/pull/203)
* Matrix Sugar Labs wiki page (https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Matrix)
* Official matrix-irc guide (https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-appservice-irc/wiki/Guide:-How-to-use-Matrix-to-participate-in-IRC-rooms)

As of now, many popular open source communities use Matrix as the main mode of communication, and all the sister nodes bridged to the matrix network
For example:

* Fedora
* Mozilla Thunderbird

It would be cool, if we discuss this among a wider range of community, putting a lot of people's idea rather than two of us discussion [cited]. So, I hope this topic, would be a good candidate for the next SLOBS meeting.


On 12/9/20 11:48 PM, devin@ulibarri.website wrote:
Hi All,

The date and time of the next SLOBs Meeting <https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Oversight_Board/Next_meeting> is 12-23-20 at 19:30 UTC.

For the next meeting, the agenda is up at https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Oversight_Board/Meeting_Minutes-2020-12-23 <https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Oversight_Board/Meeting_Minutes-2020-12-23> We will be discussing a possible "Sugar Labs Code-in", so it would be great to have your input.
I recommend that, if you are interested in attending the meeting, you:
1. Mark your calendar. I do my best to send reminders, but today my email got trapped in spam and I did not have the time to troubleshoot. 2. Please let us know soon if you plan to attend so that we may send you a link in advance. Please send your request to sl...@lists.sugarlabs.org <mailto:sl...@lists.sugarlabs.org>
As for today's meeting minutes, they are up at:

https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Oversight_Board/Meeting_Minutes-2020-12-09 <https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Oversight_Board/Meeting_Minutes-2020-12-09>


Sugar-devel mailing list

Srevin Saju
Sugar Labs

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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