On 18 July 2016 at 23:15, Sebastian Silva <sebast...@fuentelibre.org> wrote:

> El 18/07/16 a las 19:55, Laura Vargas escribió:
> > How does Google resonate with SL values more than Microsoft?
> They should mean the same really. I see nothing wrong with accepting
> their funds.
> That doesn't mean that we endorse technology that doesn't respect a
> user's rights.
> In fact - producers of such technology should help offset the evil they
> do by actively supporting Free (Libre) Software. Kind of how polluters
> offset their carbon footprint by buying carbon bonds (for funding
> reforestation/conservation).

I think the way the FSF and Debian handle sponsorship is good.

If MS gave SL money, and asked for its logo on the website in a similar
way, would anyone object?

The FSF shows Google, IBM and HP logos on https://www.fsf.org/patrons

Debian shows HP logo on https://www.debian.org/partners/

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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