This is great! Thank you Sameer!

I recently began updating the ideas I drafted a few years ago with Samson.
Please let us know where to submit the ideas when you are ready :D

On 11 January 2018 at 17:21, Sameer Verma <> wrote:

> Greetings!
> Here is a proposal to solicit various goals towards mission of
> Sugarlabs. I am sending this out as per my comments on the recent
> #sugar-meeting on IRC.
> In the past, I have noticed that whenever we propose to discuss
> various goals that this community may pursue, we tend to fail quite
> rapidly at not arriving at a consensus. It is not that we have
> incorrect ideas about how we think the project should proceed. We tend
> to disagree prematurely. To remedy the situation, I am proposing that
> we gather opinions from the community about goals and do so in a
> manner where it remains temporarily shielded from public view. Then,
> at a given time (say two weeks) we make all of these items public.
> This may reveal if we have convergent ideas or if we are still very
> divergent. Either is okay.
> Next, we would try to merge similar items into tangible goals with a
> specific time frame. Depending on who the champions are for a specific
> goal and its objectives, these people may then band together into an
> ad-hoc group and pursue said goals.
> The time line for this project is relatively short. I propose that we
> collect ideas for two weeks. At the end of two weeks, we would then
> make the items public, and solicit more ideas for a third week. At the
> end of the third week, we would then try to collate similar responses
> into clusters of tangible goals. From there on, each set of goals may
> be pursued independently, depending on its sponsors, champions,
> supporters and participants.
> If this sounds like something that will help us move forward, I am
> ready to set this in motion. I have already discussed this with
> Hillary Naylor, who is an active participant in our OLPC-SF group.
> When it's time to collate responses, I may solicit some more help from
> some of you.
> cheers,
> Sameer
> --
> Sameer Verma, Ph.D.
> Professor, Information Systems
> San Francisco State University
> _______________________________________________
> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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