Di Indonesia saya belum tahu ada yg memproduksi AIR MINERAL atau
MINERAL WATER. Ini berbeda dengan drinking water (tap water). menurut
saya AQUA masih sekelas drinking water. Nah tentunya mineral water ini
akan memerlukan geologist kalau saja mineral-mineral tertentu
diperlukan dalam kandungannya.

Jenis-jenis bottled waterpun bermacam-macam saya cuplik dari website :

Bottled Water Types

What are the different types of bottled water?

There are several different varieties of bottled water. The product
may be labeled as bottled water, drinking water or any of the
following terms. The Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) product
definitions for bottled water are:

Artesian Water / Artesian Well Water: Bottled water from a well that
taps a confined aquifer (a water-bearing underground layer of rock or
sand) in which the water level stands at some height above the top of
the aquifer.

Drinking Water: Drinking water is another name for bottled water.
Accordingly, drinking water is water that is sold for human
consumption in sanitary containers and contains no added sweeteners or
chemical additives (other than flavors, extracts or essences). It must
be calorie-free and sugar-free. Flavors, extracts or essences may be
added to drinking water, but they must comprise less than
one-percent-by-weight of the final product or the product will be
considered a soft drink. Drinking water may be sodium-free or contain
very low amounts of sodium.

Mineral Water: Bottled water containing not less than 250 parts per
million total dissolved solids may be labeled as mineral water.
Mineral water is distinguished from other types of bottled water by
its constant level and relative proportions of mineral and trace
elements at the point of emergence from the source. No minerals can be
added to this product.

Purified Water: Water that has been produced by distillation,
deionization, reverse osmosis or other suitable processes and that
meets the definition of purified water in the United States
Pharmacopoeia may be labeled as purified bottled water. Other suitable
product names for bottled water treated by one of the above processes
may include "distilled water" if it is produced by distillation,
"deionized water" if the water is produced by deionization, or
"reverse osmosis water" if the process used is reverse osmosis.
Alternatively "_____________ drinking water" can be used with the
blank being filled in with one of the terms defined in this paragraph
(e.g. "purified drinking water" or "distilled drinking water").

Sparkling Water: Water that after treatment and possible replacement
with carbon dioxide contains the same amount of carbon dioxide that it
had at emergence from the source. (An important note: soda water,
seltzer water and tonic water are not considered bottled waters. They
are regulated separately, may contain sugar and calories, and are
considered soft drinks.)

Spring Water: Bottled water derived from an underground formation from
which water flows naturally to the surface of the earth. Spring water
must be collected only at the spring or through a bore hole tapping
the underground formation and the spring. Spring water collected with
the use of an external force must be from the same underground stratum
as the spring and must have all the physical properties, before
treatment, and be of the same composition and quality as the water
that flows naturally to the surface of the earth.

Well Water: Bottled water from a hole bored, drilled or otherwise
constructed in the ground which taps the water of an aquifer.

> Mungkin, ada geologist buat di perusahaan air minum tapi jarang kaliya,
> karena kerjaannya tidak rutin...
> kemarin2 saya berkunjung ke perusahaan air minum di cibinong, mereka
> mengunakan bahan baku air tanah (50%) dan air PDAM (50%). dan kerjaan
> rutinnya hanya sampling air ke lab setiap sebulan sekali (kalau tidak
> salah). mungkin dengan demikian untuk explorasi air tanahnya perusahaan
> air minum hanya menyewa konsultan atau pihak ke 3
> Budi R Permana
> Reservoir Geologist
> Eni Indonesia
> Atrium Mulia Building 3-3A Floor
> Jl HR Rasuna Said Kav B 10-11
> Jakarta 12910 Indonesia
> Phone: (62-21)30003200 ext 7218
> "Andang Bachtiar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 04/13/2006 09:43 AM
> Please respond to iagi-net
>         To:     <iagi-net@iagi.or.id>
>         cc:
>         Subject:        [iagi-net-l] Aqua Geologist
> 31 Maret 2006 dalam perjalanan dari KL ke JKT dalam pesawat Garuda saya
> buka Garuda Magazine April 2006, halaman 11, terpampang iklan AQUA.
> Gambarnya fotonya 1/2 halaman menampilkan air terjun kecil yang  membuncah
> dengan tebing (gamping berlapis?) yang ada over-hangnya; air-nya terkesan
> jernih, hutannya hijau, dengan sulur-sulur akar menjuntai ke muka air.
> Tertulis 1/2 halaman di bawahnya:
> "Selama minimal 730 hari ahli geologi AQUA tidak tampak di kantor.Tidak
> semua mata air pegunungan layak menjadi sumber AQUA. Banyak faktor yang
> menjadi pertimbangan ahli geologi AQUA dalam memastikan tingkat kemurnian
> optimal sumber air AQUA. Sehingga wajar saja jika dibutuhkan waktu
> bertahun-tahun untuk menemukan sumber air AQUA, sumber air yang begitu
> berharga bagi kita semua. Air minum dari sumber pegunungan AQUA memberi
> manfaat hidup.Awali hidup dengan AQUA"
> Interesrting!!! (paling tidak bagi saya). AQUA ikut mempromosikan profesi
> ahli geologi sebagai eksplorer sumber-sumber air bersih!!! Thx to AQUA.
> Tidak terlalu banyak orang (Indonesia) yang tahu bahwa salah satu
> kompetensi ahli geologi itu adalah eksplorasi air tanah / mata air / dan
> sampai merambah ke hidrologi (permukaan). Dengan adanya iklan tsb, maka
> akan makin terbuka mata masyarakat bahwa ahli geologi ADA DI BERBAGAI
> SEKTOR KEHIDUPAN... bahkan di sektor yang paling vital: mencari air bersih
> buat kelangusngan hidup manusia.
> Omong-omong: adakah yang tahu siapa-siapa Ahli Geologi-nya AQUA tsb??
> Apakah mereka anggota IAGI (seingat saya di data-basetidak ada anggota
> IAGI yg punya afiliasi dg PT-PTnya AQUA)?? Ataukah mereka adalah
> geologist-geologist dari luar negeri (para expatriate)? Atau mereka
> sebenarnya adalah kawan2 dari Lembaga-lembaga Penelitian Geologi / Air /
> LIPI yang disewa oleh AQUA? Boleh juga tuch IAGI bikin acara mendengarkan
> cerita-cerita mereka mencari air buat AQUA....
> Salam
> Andang Bachtiar
> Exploration Think Tank Indonesia

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you,
then you win." Mahatma Gandhi.

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Pembayaran iuran anggota ditujukan ke:
Bank Mandiri Cab. Wisma Alia Jakarta
No. Rek: 123 0085005314
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No. Rekening: 255-1088580
A/n: Shinta Damayanti

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