sedikit excerpt tentang teorinya bagi yg tertarik:

The downgoing wavefield in VSP data provides a direct observation of the 
changing nature of the seismic source wavelet as it propagates through the 
earth, and is an ideal dataset for the study of seismic attenuation. A Spectral 
Ratio method was used to estimate the Q factor. This method is based on the 
assumption that the logarithm of the amplitude of a seismic wave decays at a 
rate approximately proportional to the frequency, and that the attenuation is 
independent of frequency. Q is then estimated using the following formula:    
 Ln (Ai (Zi,f)/Ao(Zo,f)) = C - πDtf/Q.

Where Ao and Ai are the Fourier amplitude spectra of a reference trace and 
another trace of interest at depths Zo and Zi respectively, f is the frequency, 
t is the one-way arrival time difference between the two receiver depths, C is 
a constant which takes into account the source function, receiver function, 
geometric spreading and coupling factor, Q is a measure of the attenuation 
occurring between the depths Zo and Zi. 
A least-squares linear regression of the left-hand side of the equation versus 
frequency yields a slope b = -πt/Q. The spectral ratio method assumes that the 
source waveform and geophone coupling are the same at all receiver levels, and 
geometric spreading is frequency independent. In a practical sense, the 
accuracy of the estimated Q also depends on the methods of trace analysis 
windowing, spectral analysis, and least squares line fitting.

----- Original Message ----
From: Herry Maulana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, 28 May, 2007 1:56:48 PM
Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] Nanya VSP

iya mas, dipakai umumnya untuk mempelajari attenuation, jadi bisa dipakai untuk 
mengestimasi Q factor. Maaf detil pengerjaanya kurang tahu, tapi kita pake 
VSFusion untuk processing dan Q estimation.
Sependek yg saya tahu, uncertainty dalam Q estimation ini akan tetap ada (depth 
and formation related) sedangkan Q compensation yg akan digunakan dalam seismic 
processing cuma 1 number (biasanya diambil angka rata-rata estimasi Q dari 
VSP), cmiiw.

----- Original Message ----
From: Leonard Lisapaly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, 28 May, 2007 12:00:53 PM
Subject: RE: [iagi-net-l] Nanya VSP

Mungkin downgoing wave-nya bisa dipakai untuk estimasi Q yang nantinya dapat
digunakan untuk Q compensation di processing?


-----Original Message-----
From: Paulus Tangke Allo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, May 27, 2007 1:37 PM
Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] Nanya VSP

yaps saya setuju.
posting saya sebelumnya, karena belum pernah saya lihat penggunaan
koefisien transmisi dalam processing VSP.
selain itu, saya pribadi, lebih mudah membayangkan koefisien refleksi
ketimbang koefisien transmisi.

apa memang sudah pernah ada yang menggunakan informasi koefisien
transmisi ini setelah running VSP?


On 5/25/07, Leonard Lisapaly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mestinya downgoing primary membawa informasi mengenai lapisan di atas
> geophone, tapi dalam bentuk transmisi, bukan refleksi.
> Informasi dari seismik bisa diambil misalnya dari waktu dan amplitudo
> seismik. Karena dalam VSP informasi utamanya adalah waktu, dan adalah
> mengeliminir noise koheren dari multipel, maka tetap direct arrival ini
> dimanfaatkan.
> LL

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