Dear Colleagues,

I wanted to draw your attention to the "GV and Sediment Meeting" to be
held in Hamburg, Germany on September 23-28, 2012. You can see the
main sessions and themes at the following website

In particular I wanted to encourage people interested in climate, all
climate tectonic interactions to submit an abstract to the following
special session that we are organizing at this event. We encourage
submissions from him number of disciplines, sedimentologists,
paleoceanography, climatologists,  climate modelers and all those
interested in the geological evolution of the Asian continent. Please
feel free to share this information with friends and colleagues.
best regards

Peter Clift


5.3 Evolution of the Asian monsoon

Conveners: Peter Clift, V. Ramaswamy

Summary: The Asian monsoon system is one of the most intense climatic
phenomenon on Earth, yet its development is not well understood. On
million-year scales and longer its intensity has been linked variously
to the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau, to northward drift of India and
to the retreat of shallow seas in central Asia. On shorter timescales
it is clear that the monsoon is partly coupled with Milankovitch
cyclicity but it is unclear how this is modulated, whether there are
large lags or leads between the orbital forcing and the peak monsoon,
and whether the East and South Asian monsoons are closely coupled or
even anti-phased. Monsoon activity may be a primary control on the
evolution of mountain exhumation in Asia and in controlling the flux
of sediment and dissolved material to the oceans via some of the
largest rivers on Earth. In this respect the monsoon is not just
controlled by the geological evolution of Asia but also feeds back on
that same process. In more recent times the monsoon has had a close
link to the development of human societies in Asia and the extent to
which monsoon intensity has caused major changes in human settlement
since the Neolithic in south and East Asia continues to be debated.
Right up to the flooding in Pakistan and China in 2010 it is clear
that the monsoon has a major influence on the prosperity of human
In this session we welcome all contributions related to the evolution
of winter and summer monsoon intensity over a range of timescale, as
well as the proposed impacts on environment and geology.


Peter D. Clift
Charles T. McCord Professor of Petroleum Geology,
Department of Geology and Geophysics,
E235 Howe-Russell-Kniffen Geoscience Complex
Louisiana State University,
Baton Rouge, LA 70803,

Tel: +1 225-578-2153
Fax: +1 225-578-2302

PP-IAGI 2011-2014:
Ketua Umum: Rovicky Dwi Putrohari, rovicky[at]
Sekjen: Senoaji, ajiseno[at]
Jangan lupa PIT IAGI 2012 di Jogjakarta tanggal 17-20 September 2012.
Kirim abstrak ke email: pit.iagi.2012[at] Batas akhir pengiriman 
abstrak 28 Februari 2012.
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