Correct. The main point I was trying to make was that choice B from my
choices below is the correct way to parse things. 34 and 56 should
remain in the sql being sent to the database. 

This is related to an issue with IBatisNet:

I wanted to make sure my explaination and example made sense to other
people besides myself. The issue was marked as "Won't Fix" on Jira. I
posted more supporting comments on the issue but I wasn't sure those
made the issue any clearer (i.e. its still marked at "Won't Fix").

For future reference, is there a better way to go about discussing
issues with IBatis? If I have concerns with an IBatis issue posted in
Jira, it gets marked as "Won't Fix", and I'm not able to fix it myself,
is it appropriate to have open discussions on the mailing list(s)?

- Ron

--- Brice Ruth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Note - the $xyz$ notation does not create a '?' for a prepared
> statement ... 
> it's value (as indicated by Brandon) is placed into the SQL string
> before 
> the prepared statement is generated.
> On Apr 6, 2005 4:25 PM, Ron Grabowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > How do I use the dollar sign notation (i.e. $xyz$) to send a string
> to
> > the database that has a pound sign on either side of it?
> > 
> > According to this post:
> > 
> >
> > 
> >
> > 
> > I should use a double pound to send the literal pound. Given this
> sql
> > statement:
> > 
> > <select parameterClass="map" resultClass="string">
> > SELECT Name FROM Band WHERE Name = '12##34$BandName$56##78'
> > </select>
> > 
> > Which of the two choices below should I see in my log files?
> > 
> > A) SELECT Name FROM Band WHERE Name = '12?78'
> > B) SELECT Name FROM Band WHERE Name = '12#34?56#78'
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > Ron
> > 
> -- 
> Brice Ruth
> Software Engineer, Madison WI

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