Build your value before sending it to the select statement in your xml file.

I set my values in my action by using this: itemQuery.setDescription('%' + request.getParameter("description").toUpperCase() + '%')

I, then, pass the parameter itemQuery to my manager and DAO layers.

Hope this helps.


At 06:34 AM 5/31/2005, you wrote:

Is there an easy way to describe a 'like' statement in the iBatis xml file.
for example I have:

<select id='dd' parameter="string">
        select * from bush where bush_name like #value#

Using Oracle I have to make the value look like this:

        String value = "hello%"

Can't I do this in the map something like:

<select id='dd' parameter="string">
        select * from bush where bush_name like #value#%

At present this won't work.


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