I checked my UTILITY ENTRY LKED and it has HIGHEST RETURN CODE,===>,4

but my SMPE says:  MAX ACCEPTABLE RC=0

There are three possible sources for the maximum acceptable return code for a load module, used in this order:

1) RETURN CODE subentry in the LMOD entry. Gleaned from the JCLIN if specified, this value is stored in the LMOD entry and used whenever the subject load module is link edited. In this situation, LMOD IEAVNPF9 does indeed have a RETURN CODE subentry of 0 as defined in its JCLIN, hence you see the comment "MAX ACCEPTABLE RC=0" in the link edit control statement output.

2) RETURN CODE subentry in the UTILITY entry. Defined by you, usually with recommendations from the software vendor (for z/OS IBM recommends RC=4). Remember the active UTILITY entry is identified by the active OPTIONS entry, and the active OPTIONS entry is either specified on the SET command or defined in the TZONE entry as the default OPTIONS entry to use for that target zone.

3) SMP/E's default link edit return code. The default value is 8, which is used only if a value was not found in the LMOD entry or the active UTILITY entry.

Kurt Quackenbush -- IBM, SMP/E Development

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