(Posting approved by Darren)

We are looking for a very experienced z/OS COBOL programmer/designer for some 
part-time contract work. You can work from home, but need the ability to use 
TN3270 to log into our test system in Dallas. (Evenings and weekends are fine.) 
Because most communication will be via email, you also need fairly good 
communications skills. 

We are developing some software tools in z/OS COBOL, and need the experience of 
someone who considers themselves an expert. You also need to be efficient in 
ISPF and DFSort, because both will be used quite heavily. There is no specific 
time frame for the project, although we are ready to get started now. We'd like 
a commitment of some number of hours per week, but that can vary from two to 
eight (or more), depending on your situation. You will need to sign a 
non-disclosure agreement before starting. We do not have a specific pay rate in 
mind, but will pay what we need for the right experienced person.

Please send your resume, rate requirements, time availability (hours per week 
and when you might be available). If your resume looks promising, we'll send 
you a mutual non-disclosure agreement and request a sample of a COBOL program 
that you've written.

In case you're wondering, we did post this to the COBOL Users Group, but 
without adequate response. While we know that IBM-Main is not loaded with lots 
of COBOL programmers, we think you might know of someone who could be 
interested, could pass this along or post it elsewhere.

Best regards,
Cheryl Watson
Watson & Walker, Inc.

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