
I want to share some PL/I and Assembler code through Open Source, and
wonder where the best place might be to do this.

And, of course, any changes to the code need to be made available for all.

I have the following:

1.  An entire interpretive language that can be used as a shell on MVS,
Z/OS, Dos, Windows and OS/2 machines (Linux to come).  There are 4 main

a) PL/I using DR/PLI.
b) 370 ASM code using the MVS Assembler
c) C, using Borland C, but also GCC can be used.
d) Pascal, using Borland Pascal.

It can also generate MVS JCL, and be used as an entire JCL replacement,
using a scripting language. It was used by AMOCO, Shell Corporation and other similar sized companies for decades to run their mainframes.

You can write COPY data.set1 to data.set2.

To copy an entire PDS, you simply add the word PDS to the above
statement. Thus

  COPY pds1 to pds2 PDS; will invoke IEBCOPY to do the copy.

It has a data base containing information about data sets, and so you
need never code SPACE or RECFM details again.

And to print a file, simply code PRINT data.set.tobe.printed.

There is also a Job Scheduling package with it and so you can write
statements like:

  If Day='MONDAY' then do;
     display 'Running Monday Update';

There is a lot more, including an easy way to write Panels with Menu
Bars and Popups on 3270's and Windows machines.

You can find information at

2. An entire Indexing Package for indexing manuals.  It is slightly
different from most indexing packages.

3. Screen handling code that is useful for data input.  Various version
exist, and the C version can be used on 3270's or on Windows using the
same code.

4. A 370 Asm to Intel Pentium converter and debugger.

5. Other pieces of software that can be found at:

My preference would be for IBM to maintain the JCL replacement language
so that companies would have a secure feeling, but this seems impossible
to do until Share or some similar size company can convince IBM that it
is a good idea.  In the meantime, I hope that people will be able to
make good use of it, or even some of the code within.

I would imagine that the Assembler code would be placed in the CBT
tapes, and the C, Pascal and PL/I in Source Forge.

And I also imagine that the IBM Open Source contract or the Apache contract could be used.

Does anyone have thoughts on this?

Many thanks,

Clem Clarke


 ,-._|\  Clement V. Clarke - Author Jol, EASYJCL, EASYPANEL, 370TO486
/  Oz  \ Web:
\_,--.x/ 16/38 Kings Park Road, West Perth, AUSTRALIA, 6005.
      v  Tel (61)-8-9324-1119, Mob 0401-054-155.

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