In compliance with our current Disaster Recovery procedures, I've been
able to use the following JCL to backup the RMM CDS and Journal files
directly to tape as the last step in a larger JCL stream that backups up
all of our essential catalog files and such.  Now I'm in need of JCL to
restore the files from the afore mentioned tape.  I'd like to test this
by restoring the CDS and Journal files to a new name so that I don't
overwrite the existing PROD files.  I've looked over the manuals but
have yet to find exactly what I'm looking for.  Any help or suggestions
would be greatly appreciated.

//EXPO11   EXEC PGM=EDGHSKP,                                     
//         PARM='BACKUP(DSS)',                                   
//         REGION=0M                                             
//SYSPRINT DD  SYSOUT=*                                          
//             DISP=(NEW,CATLG),                                 
//             DCB=(RECFM=VBS,LRECL=32404,BLKSIZE=18452),        
//             LABEL=(14,SL),                                    
//             VOL=(,RETAIN,REF=*.STEP1.O),                      
//             UNIT=CART                                         
//             DISP=(NEW,CATLG),                                 
//             DCB=(RECFM=VBS,LRECL=32404,BLKSIZE=18452),        
//             LABEL=(15,SL),                                    
//             VOL=(,RETAIN,REF=*.STEP1.O),                      
//             UNIT=CART                                         

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