Currently we deliver our software in 3480 cartridge IEBCOPY format and in CD XMIT format.
We would ike to change our very very old 3480 tape drives to  3590.
3590s are definitely not universal. With the advent of 3592 and STK drives, many sites may have no 3590s, or 3480s for that matter.

Hint: the 3480s are 20+ years old and maintenance costs are probably rising. You might consider picking up some used 3490s (NOT the 3490E). The vanilla 3490 reads and writes in 3480-format. They are probably very cheap and maint costs may be lower.

But I definitely put my vote to internet delivery. Innovation now sends most of its product installs with a combination of email and FTP (sorry, can't disclose any more details). The FTP files are in TSO XMIT format and can be FTPed directly to the mainframe if it has the connectivity. This gets the product in the customer's hand so much more quickly.

But we can still produce 3480 or 3590 tapes if requested. Manuals can be downloaded in PDF format for local printing or Bookmanager for browsing. Or we will send a printed manual on request.
Bruce Black
Senior Software Developer
Innovation Data Processing

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