Yes, they were kludgy way back then and absurd now, but it seems he wants  to
get one or more working and attached to a mainframe for reason(s) he has  not

There is no secret to why I want 3350s - it is to save, assemble, and
restore old mainframe systems. There are a small number of us that
lurk on this list (I am the most vocal, by far) that see these old
machines and programs as important bits of history, similar to the
reason there are others interested in old cars, planes, trains, and so
forth. This list can be a great resource for information because of a
few regular posters (thank you, guys), and once in a great while a
lead will form to save some interesting bit of hardware or software
destined for the scrap heap.

Maybe his mainframe is just as obsolete as his  3350s.

Yes, that is the point. Unfortunately, vintage processors disappeared
more completely than the other goodies, like the DASDs. However, with
everything so scarce, it make sense to grab whatever comes up and
worry about other important things later.

And he
will also need a control unit (also obsolete?) to drive  them.  Good luck.

Will a 3880 with proper microcode control 3350s?


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