On the other hand, we had Program Logic Manuals and microfiche. I spent many hours reading both so that I could understand the code that I was trying to interface to. In the process I gained a lot of insight into the workings of the system. I wouldn't trade that for anything.
Same here, but I had the actual source code, on tape, so I could "play" with it.

My first boss, in college, explained that he'd set up each utility I need, the first time. After that, I had to read the manual and do it myself. But he'd still help out if I got in a jam, and he encouraged me to experiment. Mistakes were made, many times, but each was a learning experience. I could get all the machine time I wanted, between 5:00PM Saturday and 7:00AM Monday, and from 10:00PM to the following 7:00AM during the rest of the week. Of course, A sysgen Stage-1 took 2 hours to assemble, and a stage-2 took all of Saturday night and most of Sunday. (S/360 Model 44, with 256k of storage and six spindles of 2319 DASD.) During my college time, I had the great good fortune to be sent to OS/360 school, in San Jose. A truly unforgettable experience.

A good mentor (Thank you, Scott, Darryl, Joe, Paul, Robin, Ken, Don, James, and all the others) is a wonderful adjunct to formal training; neither can stand alone and neither can completely substitute for experience. I had a RACF auditor, fresh from RACF school, who had a LOT of mistaken ideas about what RACF could or could not do. He was in our shop for two weeks and got a real eye-opener of an education. He kept insisting that RACF had some magical ability and I kept betting him steak lunches. His company bought me steak lunches every day for two weeks, but the auditor got some serious education and experience, a lot cheaper than the RACF class that he'd recently attended.

I maintain that a good sysprog stands on a tripod. First comes formal training; it's not the cure-all but it gives a foundation to build upon. Experience, including the experience of searching manuals for relevant documentation, is the second leg. And the third leg is a willing, patient and knowledgeable mentor. Take away any of these three "legs" and things start to get really wobbly.

I must admit that it came as a shock to me when I went from HAVING a mentor to BEING the mentor. Sandy and I fought almost like a married couple at times, but I'm sure that she still remembers much that I helped her learn. Not "taught" but "helped her learn", and I believe that there's a huge difference between the two. Just as Bob and Rich helped me learn so much about SMS and WLM during their "visits" to "my" shop as consultants. WLM is still very much a "black box" to me; I actually LIKED working with SRM, with the IPS and ICS specifications, mainly because I understood them fairly well. But now, thanks to Rich, I at least understand the concepts of WLM much better, even though I still have problems with specific parameters and situations. SMS turned out to be far easier than I originally thought, thanks to Bob's pointing me in the right directions for reading material, and in his extended "visit" we became great friends.

IMHO, this is how really good sysprogs are built. IBM-MAIN participants are a wonderful adjunct to mentors; each of us has skills and knowledge that we're willing to share, and each of us is not so overinflated of ego that we're unwilling (or afraid) to admit that we all could use a little help now and then.

My only problem is that some posters manage to mangle the English language so badly that we can't understand what they're asking. :-)

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