The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to alt.folklore.computers, as well.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rob Warnock) writes:
> Even the very first Lisp (1958) had a compiler (by 1962) to native
> machine code, as did almost every one which followed (except a few
> toy systems). The notion that "Lisp is (only) interpreted" is an
> urban myth that seemingly won't die, possibly because almost every
> Lisp system with a compiler *also* contains an interactive interpreter,
> and permits free *mixing* of compiled and interpreted code in the
> same program:

old email (in these posts) referencing lisp machine people asking about
being able to get a 801/risc processor (for the machine) and being
offered an 8100 instead (some flavor of uc.5 processor i believe). 801 (was Re: Reviving Multics Architectural support for programming 
languages "25th Anniversary of the Personal 
Computer" 32 or even 64 registers for x86-64?

for further trivia ... Evans eventually did ask my wife to do audit of
8100 ... which did result in it getting can'ed.

this is somewhat related to whether the 801/risc is executing microcode
and emulating a different architecture (as in the case of lisp machine)
or is directly executing "native" code (for purest, in both cases it is
executing "native" code).

this is also related to recent post about directly execution of 370,
emulating 370 in m'code and/or offloading directly to native code IBM's 2Q2008 Earnings

the above mentions trying to cram up to 80 (arbitrary mix of 370 and
801) processors in single rack (circa 1985) as well as (circa fall 1991)
*medusa* getting 32 processors in single rack (both cases possibly
having arbitrary number of racks). in both cases, a major gating factor
was getting the heat out of the racks.

the question of directly, emulated, and/or (offloaded) native, I had
(also) looked at a decade earlier (mid-70s) with both virgal/tully
(i.e. 138/148) ECPS effort ... old reference 370 ECPS VM micrcode assist

and VAMPS multiprocessor ... lots of past posts

In the 138/148 (which evolved into 4331/4341 and then 4361/4381) was
m'code 370 emulation that avg. about 10 native instructions to emulated
370 instructions. A major piece of ECPS was to select 6k bytes of the
highest used kernel instructions and do an (approx) 1-for-1 translation
into native microcdoe (getting 10-to-1 performance improvement) ... the
earlier post gives kernel path analysis used to select the 6k bytes
moved into microcode. It wasn't directly offload in the sense that
function executed on different processor.

The same time as ECPS, I also did VAMPS (which never was announced)
multiprocessor operation. The native machine had a nine-position
microprocessor memory bus. Delivered to customers it was a single 370
processor with integrated channels and controllers. Underneath there
werer several identical microprocessors, one running 370 microcode and
others executing microcode loads for various integrated control unit
functions. VAMPS effort was to do the hardware and software necessary to
support up to five of the microprocessors executing the 370
microprocessor load. I had done a higher-level multiprocessor function
architecture (additional function with some similarities to the later
intel i432). I had also done a higher level architecture for I/O that
allowed *offloading* lots of queueing and interrupt processing into the
disk controller (*IOP*), somewhat akin to later 370/XA.

In the mainframe world ... an example of "offloading" later in the 70s,
was the 303x channel director. The 370/158 had microcode for both 370
emulation and integrated channels (sharing the same microprocessr). For
303x, they split off the 370/158 integrated channel microcode into a
separate dedicated box (channel director). 370/158 turned into a 3031
with two 370/158 microprocessors (instead of just one); one with just
the 370/158 370 emulation microcde and the second with just the
integrated channel microcode. A 370/168 became 3032 with one to three
channel directors.

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