Sorry, me again on this. Who is the client and who the server? If the
UNIX system is connecting to the z/OS system, i.e. z/OS is the server
and UNIX the client (as in the Subject:), then my comments about vsftpd
are useless. They are relevant only if vsftpd is the server on the UNIX

Have you considered transferring the files into a z/OS UNIX file instead
of a legacy dataset? If you do, then you can "post process" the files
with a rather simple "tr" command.

tr '\45' '\25' <input.file >input.file.fixed

This translates octal 45 (x'25') to octal 25 (x'15'). Note that you must
use separate input and output files. If you have Dovetailed Technologies
dataset pipes, you could do:

tr '\45' '\25' <input.file | todsn "//'MVS.OUTPUT.FILE'"

Or you could use the "cp" command.

tr '\45' '\25' <input.file | cp /dev/fd/0 "//'MVS.OUTPUT.FILE'"

If MVS.OUTPUT.FILE does not exist, then you'll likely need to use other
parameters to specify things like the space requirements, LRECL, RECFM,

John McKown
Senior Systems Programmer
Keeping the Promise of Affordable Coverage
Administrative Services Group
Information Technology

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> -----Original Message-----
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List 
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bri P
> Sent: Monday, July 21, 2008 8:33 AM
> Subject: FTP with LF instead of CRLF from a Unix client
> Hi folks
> We have a Unix trading partner who's sending a text file in 
> with end of line terminators of only Line Feed (LF - x'0A' 
> ASCII) instead of Carriage Return/Line Feed (CRLF - x'0D0A' ASCII).
> As a result the line ends are not being recognised by our 
> z/OS 1.7 FTP server and the LFs are going through as data for 
> one line as will fit the entire length of the LRECL, and 
> getting converted to x'25' as part of the ASCII-EBCDIC conversion.
> We've had similar problems before but in the other direction, 
> with us sending CRLFs and the receiver complaining about it 
> and insisting that WE fix it(!) which we've always done, 
> despite me citing RFC959, by doing our own formatting and 
> EBCDIC to ASCII translation then sending the whole lot as 
> binary.. although I do know about the SBSENDEOL enhancements 
> in CS 1.7.
> Trouble is, I can't see how I can affect anything in this 
> case of it coming in like this; that is, unless the user gets 
> the offending Unix version changed, which I can't see ever happening.
> Despite IBM's technically correct citing of RFC959, and I do 
> tend to agree with them, in practice however their stance on 
> it is becoming a bit of a pain when other platforms can 
> 'accept' such transfers (although even Windows doesn't quite 
> handle it properly). It's about to get escalated between our 
> two companies so I need to find a resolution or workaround somehow.
> Has anyone experienced this also, and if so, what did you do about it?
> Thanks in advance
> Brian
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