Hello Fellow(ine) Idrisi Users:
As Software Review Editor for PE&RS, the journal of the American
Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, I had been asked
by Clark Labs to have a evaluation of Idrisi 32 conducted for publication
in PE&RS.
I had agreed to perform the evaluation and write the review myself,
but unfortunately my schedule has prevented me from doing so, and
that will be the case for the foreseeable future.
I am, therefore, inviting individuals who might be willing to do  such a review,
as well as have the time to do it, to submit an e-mail of interest. Please note that
we (PE&RS) treat our reviews with nearly the same rigor that a peer reviewed
paper might receive. In other words, it is not simply a casual overview,
but rather an in depth and critical examination of the software's features,
capabilities, and performance. One can refer to recent past issues of
the PE&RS journal for examples of published software reviews.
The evaluation process typically involves consultation with the developers
(at Idrisi in this case), the writing of a draft review, submission to this
editor and the software developers for comment, clarification, and
correction, and then a final submission to ASPRS for publication.
If you are an Idrisi 32 user and would like to be considered in doing a
review of the software for publication in PE&RS, please contact me
at your earliest convenience.
Thank you.
Daniel L. Civco, Associate Professor and Director
Laboratory for Earth Resources Information Systems
Department of Natural Resources Management and Engineering
The University of Connecticut
Box U-4087, Room 308, 1376 Storrs Road
Storrs, CT 06269-4087
860-486-2840 (office)
860-423-4992 (home)
860-486-5408 (fax)
http://www.lib.uconn.edu/CANR/nrme/index.html (NRME Homepage)
http://resac.uconn.edu (REASC Homepage)

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