--- Start of Idrisi List message
I'd like to thank the many contributors who offered suggestions on importing
the TM and MSS data "file access denied" roadblock. As it turnes out, the
consensus of suggestions to simply uncheck the "Read Only" dialogue box of
all the .DAT files -- I'd originally copied to my HDD -- solved it.

After subsetting down twice on the data (during the conversion process, a
"trying to read beyond end of data" error occured), I was easily able to
process the first of several scenes.

A big thanks to all!

Derek Parent

----- Original Message -----
From: Ross Wagenseil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, June 23, 2000 7:43 AM
Subject: Landsat TM and MSSdata from CD ROM:

> "File access denied" is a problem I've had.  It was a problem with pulling
> data off CD ROM, as I recall.
> Sometimes files from CD ROM have write protection, even after they are
> copied over onto a HDD.  Check the file attributes in Windows Explorer.
> Also, Check that the IDRISI module is not trying write onto the CD ROM as
> creates a new file.
> Ross

--- End of Idrisi List message

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