--- Start of Idrisi List message
Dear All,

Does Idrisi support sinusoidal projections?  As far as I can see it 
doesn't, but there is always the chance it might be called something 
different or can be simulated with another projection.

I want to use AVHRR Pathfinder data which is in Interrupted Goode 
Homolosine projection.  This has various regions and the bit I'm 
interested in (region 4) is based on a sinusoidal projection.  It 
appears to use a sphere for the ellipsoid and, in the absence of 
other info, I'm assuming a WGS84 datum (?).

The methodology for converting Goode stuff to Idrisi (via WinDisp4) 
posted 9 Jun by Marlies Craig (thank you very much) does provide a 
work around, but I thought I'd just check that there wasn't a more 
direct route.  Idrisi and AVHRR Pathfinder seem such a natural 

Thanks in advance,


Anita Perryman         Natural Resources Institute
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]       
RAPIDS Home Page: http://www.nri.org/RAPIDS

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